Commission Chairman Marty Pennell said the board is excited to hire Mr. Fox as the new County Manager.
“We are impressed with Mr. Fox’s knowledge and experience. His strong government management pedigree coupled with his extensive finance background will be a valuable asset across all county operations,” Chairman Pennell said. “We are excited for Mr. Fox to continue his excellence in developing and implementing strategic plans while cultivating partnerships for Alexander County’s success in his new manager role.”
Commission Vice Chairman Josh Lail said, “We are very excited about Mr. Fox and what he will bring to Alexander County. With 31 applicants for the County Manager position, Mr. Fox stood out above the others. I look forward to working with him.”
Read the entire news release at
In other business:
• Commissioners approved an economic development incentive grant for Schneider Mills. David Icenhour, Executive Director of the Alexander County Economic Development Corporation, said the company plans to invest $2.7 million in new equipment. The incentive will last for four years with 50 percent of the property taxes on the new equipment to be refunded each year. Icenhour said the agreement requires Schneider Mills to retain at least 95 percent of its employees throughout the four-year period.
• Ben Willis, Community and Economic Development Director for the Western Piedmont Council of Governments (WPCOG), presented information about a Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) for the Sterling Road project. The $645,044 grant was awarded in December 2022 to rehabilitate seven (7) homes and improve 390 linear feet of roadway. To begin the project, commissioners approved a resolution adopting the project policies, procedures, and plans; a project budget ordinance; and an agreement with the WPCOG to administer the project.
• Chairman Marty Pennell presented information about the county’s Household Hazardous Waste & Document Destruction Day, which is scheduled for Saturday, May 6 from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. at the county administration building on Liledoun Road. The free event is for Alexander County citizens and farmers (no businesses). Read more at
• The board approved two budget amendments. One amendment increased the health department’s budget by $67,898 for additional American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds passed through the Cabarrus Health Alliance to Alexander County, to be used for an upgrade to the health department’s conference room and desks. The other amendment increased the county parks budget by $21,000 for the proposed purchase of 14 acres of land adjoining Jaycee Park for possible future expansion.
The next meeting of the Alexander County Board of Commissioners is set for Monday, May 1 at 6:00 p.m. at the CVCC Alexander Center for Education (room #103). Regular meetings are recorded and can be viewed on the county’s Government Channel on Spectrum channel 192 or the county’s YouTube channel at Meeting agendas, minutes, videos, and more are available on the county’s website at