Alexander Soil & Water Conservation District was able to secure Emergency Watershed Protection (or EWP) Program funds for 3 sites in the county for stream debris removal resulting from Tropical Storm Eta (November 2020). This federal funding is only available when a federal disaster declaration is given. These “emergency” funds can only be used where an emergency situation is deemed (for example: when a bridge, building, or residence is in jeopardy). Therefore, only the 3 sites completed were determined eligible for these funds. Debris removal for these 3 sites totaled 5,300 linear feet of stream.
The District was also able to secure State Emergency Disaster Funds that supplemented EWP funds on the stream debris removal from the 3 sites mentioned above. In addition, these funds were able to be used for debris removal from 4 additional sites with 5,798 additional linear feet of stream.
Below are some of the before and after pictures of debris removal sites cleaned up with EWP & State Emergency Disaster funds.