
July 25, 2000 


John F. Watts, Chairman
David Odom, Vice Chairman
Wesley Bolick
Joel C. Harbinson
Darrell Robertson


Rick French, County Manager
Jamie C. Millsaps, Clerk to the Board

The Alexander County Board of Commissioners held their monthly meeting on July 25, 2000 in the Commissioner's Room in the Alexander County Courthouse, Taylorsville, North Carolina.


Chairman Watts called the regular meeting to order at 6:57 p.m.

Luther Stocks gave the invocation and Samantha Feimster from Wittenburg Elementary School led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.


Commissioner Robertson presented the Citizen of the Month award to John Hulette Norton. Mr. Norton is responsible for helping start the Alexander County Library. He has served as the State President of the Library Association. He is a member of New Salem Presbyterian Church where he is involved in many activities and is a retired Stony Point Post Master. Mr. Norton is responsible for starting the Stony Point Lions Club which helped in establishing the Stony Point Volunteer Fire Department. He has served as the President of the Water Corporation. Commissioner Robertson stated that he appreciated Mr. Norton and the example that he has set for others.


Chairman Watts gave the Chairman's report which included:

    1. A letter was received from Jane, Robert, Cameron, and Logan Gant which explained an accident that happened in Myrtle Beach where paramedic Tommy Pennell assisted Robert Gant with a wound. Tommy Pennell also drove Mr. Gant to the local hospital. The Gant family is very appreciative and thankful for Mr. Pennell and the Alexander County EMS.
    2. A letter from Keith Mundy, Chief Taylorsville Fire Department, and Russell Greene, Fire Marshall, was sent to several individuals thanking them for their assistance and support during the recent Insurance Service Offices evaluation of the Taylorsville Fire Department.
    3. A position statement concerning the Upper Catawba River Basin Water Quality has been submitted. This position statement identifies general areas of consensus among the Unifour County governments (Alexander, Burke, Caldwell, and Catawba) concerning the use of buffers in protecting water quality and outlines a strategy for protecting the region's surface water resources.
    4. Doug Kerley, Building Code Administrator, has acquired his Level III Probationary Status in electrical, plumbing, mechanical, and building.
    5. Keith Hertzler, Chamber of Commerce Director, has developed a list of Chamber members and also non-members which are plumbers, electricians, contractors, heating/air workers, etc. When an individual tours the prison site and requests information on these types of workers, the names on the list will be provided. This could improve business in the County.
    6. Commissioner Bolick inquired about a public library in Bethlehem. Commissioner Bolick stated that he had spoken with Doris Stephens, Library Director, and she provided him with studies that were done on the Bethlehem area in 1993 and 1995.


Commissioner made a motion to adopt the agenda as presented and also to move items #5, #6, and #7 to the beginning of the meeting and to add the resolution between Alexander County and Caldwell County under Other Business. Commissioner Bolick seconded the motion. The Board voted unanimously in favor of the motion.


Nan Campbell, Social Services Director, presented a grant request that was submitted to the state on June 15, 2000 on behalf of the Community Child Protection Team for a qualified professional, preferably a psychologist, to provide family support counseling to parents at risk of abusive behavior and to provide community educational opportunities to all parents. Selection of counties approved for the grants were finalized on July 7, 2000 and Alexander County was approved to receive a grant totaling $49,000 which is 100 percent funded and requires no match from the County.

Commissioner Robertson made a motion approve the Child Abuse Prevention Grant. Commissioner Harbinson seconded the motion. The Board voted unanimously in favor of the motion.


Nan Campbell, Social Services Director, presented a summary of the Workforce Investment Act and a project description for the program. The WPCOG requested that DSS apply for this grant that will fund a full-time person to coordinate the WIA activities that include on-the-job training and other supportive services for the County. This position will be housed in the JobLink Center at the Employment Security Commission. The grant totals $99,925 and the County would be responsible for personnel and administrative costs totaling $47,842.

Commissioner Robertson made a motion to approve the Workforce Investment Act Grant. Commissioner Harbinson seconded the motion. The Board voted unanimously in favor of the motion.


Nan Campbell, Social Services Director, stated that Moore's Ridge Catering has furnished meals for the congregate and home-delivered meals for the two previous years. They have again responded to a bid request for furnishing meals for this fiscal year at no increase in the cost per meal. Their bid for congregate and home-delivered is $3.25 a meal. Social Services serves an estimated 12,550 congregate meals and 8,800 home-delivered meals per year.

Commissioner Bolick made a motion to award the contract to Moore's Ridge Catering. Commissioner Odom seconded the motion. The Board voted unanimously in favor of the motion.


At this time, Chairman Watts recognized the Department of Social Services for receiving a NACo award for a joint project with the Burke, Caldwell, and Catawba County Departments of Social Services which created a computer program to better assess adult social and health related needs, detect problem areas, and develop plans to address those problems. The program is called "Computerizing CARE".


Chairman Watts conducted the public hearing for the proposed use of an installment financing contract for the financing of additions for Alexander Central High School. Chairman Watts recognized Ken White, Finance Officer, who presented the financial information. Mr. White stated that RFP's were sent to five financial institutions on July 7, 2000 to finance $1.6 million for 5 or 10 years. Two financial institutions were selected for review. Wilkes National Bank proposed the lowest interest rate at 4.95 percent for 5 years and 5.05 percent for 10 years. BB&T proposed 5.41 percent for 5 years and 5.61 percent for 10 years. Mr. White recommended that the Board finance with Wilkes National Bank at 5.05 percent for ten years to allow time to finance for the new Ellendale School. Payments will be made semi-annually.

There being no further business, Commissioner Bolick made a motion to close the public hearing. Commissioner Odom seconded the motion. The Board voted unanimously in favor of the motion. Commissioner Harbinson made a motion to finance with Wilkes National Bank at 5.05 percent for 10 years and also to approve the resolution authorizing filing of an application to the LGC. Commissioner Robertson seconded the motion. The Board voted unanimously in favor of the motion.


Patti Foster, Transportation Director, conducted the public hearing to present the application for the FY 2000-2001 Rural Operating Assistance Program. County governments are the only eligible applicants for these funds. It is the intent of the program that these funds provide additional transportation beyond other funding sources and levels of service. The amount of funding tentatively allocated to Alexander County for this year is $54,253. Ms. Foster stated that it is recommended to designate the Transportation Department as the recipient of the EDTAP funds ($38,113) and the RGP funds ($11,161) and to distribute the Work First/Employment funds ($4,979) both to the Department of Social Services and the Transportation Department.

There being no further business, Commissioner Odom made a motion to close the public hearing. Commissioner Bolick seconded the motion. The Board voted unanimously in favor of the motion. Commissioner Harbinson made a motion to designate the Transportation as the recipient of designated funds. Commissioner Robertson seconded the motion. The Board voted unanimously in favor of the motion.


Jack Hoke, Associate Superintendent, stated that the grading and guttering has been completed at Central Park. The fence will be up in two weeks. The grass seeding will be completed by the first part of September. Lights will be installed by the end of September. The Alexander Central brick laying class will be working on the concession stand, bleachers, retaining walls, and the dugout. Tennis courts will be built in the Spring beside the Board of Education office.

The Alexander Central project has begun. There is currently some relocating of sewer, gas lines, and electrical wires. The water line will be started next week. The rear fence will be removed. The project seems to be on schedule. Input is being received from Ellendale staff and community.


Linda Gustafson, NC Air Awareness, presented the Board with information concerning the non-attainment areas in the state, including Alexander County. Ms. Gustafson explained ozone and the ozone standard. Up until July 1997, the ozone standard was based on the peak 1 hour value observed during the day. If that peak 1 hour was greater than .12 parts per million (ppm), then the day was considered an "exceedance". In July 1997 the EPA issued a new standard that was based on the maximum 8 hour average value where values cannot exceed .08 ppm. Twenty two counties in the state have monitors that violate the 8 hour standard. These counties are part of the Charlotte, Hickory, Triad, Triangle, and Fayetteville metropolitan areas. Alexander County is included in the non-attainment since a small part of the County is located near the Hickory metropolitan area. The EPA will have the final say on boundaries for non-attainment areas. The EPA will review and comment on the State's recommendations in 45 days. The State then has 120 days to respond. The EPA could finalize the designations in early 2001. If a county is designated as non-attainment, several regulations will be enforced. Power plants and industrial boilers must reduce emissions. Vehicle emissions tests will be performed.

Commissioner Harbinson stated that Alexander County did not have any coal burning power plant or industrial boilers. The ozone pollution in Alexander County is coming from others such as Catawba County, Tennessee, and surrounding areas. Commissioner Harbinson stated that he felt that it was not fair that Alexander County citizens would have to pay the price if designated as non-attainment because of surrounding counties.

The Board asked Ms. Gustafson what Alexander County could do to lower the ppm values. Ms. Gustafson stated that carpooling, emission inspection programs, decrease use of tractors and lawnmowers from 12:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Hickory will have a ozone forecast next year which will give ozone level intensities.

Lawrence Halthon, formerly from Michigan, stated that he had been involved in a non-attainment designation when he lived in Michigan and also stated that the monitors are not very accurate.


Sylvia Turnmire, Director of Planning & Development, presented a set of proposed Minimum Housing Code Standards. The proposed standards are taken directly from the North Carolina League of Municipalities and Institute of Government's model ordinances. The County Attorney has reviewed the document and recommends approval on the basis that the standards follow the model ordinances. This document was also reviewed by the Board of Commissioners at the Retreat in January 2000. Many homes do not meet the federal or state building codes and the County does not have a process requiring the homeowner to comply. The Minimum Housing Standards would accomplish this goal.

Commissioner Bolick stated that he felt a public hearing was needed to gather input on the Minimum Housing Code Standards. Commissioner Bolick also stated that the Board of Commissioners should meet with the Planning & Zoning Commission to discuss the standards. The next Planning and Zoning Meeting will be held on August 17, 2000.

Commissioner Bolick made a motion to hold a public hearing and to meet with the Planning & Zoning Commission at their next meeting. Commissioner Odom seconded the motion. The Board voted unanimously in favor of the motion.


Sylvia Turnmire, Director of Planning & Development, presented a resolution to appoint Corey Teague, Planner, as an additional Review Officer. The current list of Review Officers is Mark Walker, Luther Stocks, and Sylvia Turnmire. Review Officers are responsible for signing a subdivision plat or property map certifying that it has met the requirements as set forth by N.C.G.S. and any other applicable local regulations.

Commissioner Robertson made a motion to approve the resolution to appoint Corey Teague as an additional Review Officer. Commissioner Bolick seconded the motion. The Board voted unanimously in favor of the motion.


Luther Stocks, Tax Administrator, presented the 2000-2001 contract between the Western Piedmont Council of Governments and the County of Alexander for GIS services. There are several new activities for the upcoming year. Scott Miller, Data Center/GIS Administrator, informed the Board of these activities and gave and update of ongoing projects. Commissioner Robertson stated that he was not pleased with the Kimble Company and stated that he would like Mr. Miller to relay the message.

Commissioner Robertson made a motion to approve the 2000-2001 contract between the WPCOG and the County of Alexander for GIS services. Commissioner Harbinson seconded the motion. The Board voted unanimously in favor of the motion.


Rick French, County Manager, stated that he, Chairman Watts, Commissioner Robertson, and Dr. David Linzey had interviewed potential architects for the Animal Shelter project on June 28, 2000. Mr. French recommended Wayland Plaster, Northwest Associates Architecture for the job.

Commissioner Bolick made a motion to hire Wayland Plaster, Northwest Associates Architecture for the Animal Shelter project. Commissioner Odom seconded the motion. The Board voted unanimously in favor of the motion.


Chairman Watts made the following appointments and reappointments to the Transportation Authority Advisory Board:

Mrs. Chris Fortner Appoint    1 year (replacing Pam Stamey with Foothills)

Florence Davis    Appoint 1 year

Ben Zachary             Reappoint 1 year

Commissioner Odom made a motion to accept the appointments and reappointments. Commissioner Bolick seconded the motion. The Board voted unanimously in favor of the motion.


Commissioner Harbinson stated that he and Commissioner Bolick were in the process of creating a Bethlehem Task Force to go over the basic information concerning the incorporation of Bethlehem. The task force will meet in August and then have a public meeting on Thursday, September 14, 2000. Commissioner Bolick stated that the task force should consist of no more than 15 people.

Lawrence Halthon stated that he lived in the Oliver's Landing area and was very interested in the incorporation of Bethlehem.


Rick French, County Manager, gave the Manager's Report which included:

    1. County staff has received a negative Sedimentation Inspection Report from the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources for Dusty Ridge Recreation Park. An on-site meeting was held on Monday, July 24, 2000 with the state. Barry Hollar also attended the meeting.
    2. The Lions Club has requested removal of the County water tank. The tank is not currently in use.
    3. Brushy Mountain Golf Course has contacted the County concerning a water extension to the property. Rod Watts will be contacted for a water line construction estimate.
    4. Robert Feimster has contacted the County concerning extending water, sewer, and gas into a cul-de-sac off Highway 16. The plans for the sewer will be submitted later this month.
    5. A letter was submitted from the Alexander Soil and Water Conservation District suggesting that Alexander County negotiate with the Statesville Water Authority and others to bring about a well-protected watershed for the benefit of all concerned.
    6. Information was provided concerning the request from Carolinians for Fair Electric Rates for donations to stop rate surcharges.


Rick French, County Manager, presented a Resolution of Understanding between Alexander County and Caldwell County. Caldwell County has an interest in interconnecting its water distribution system with the Alexander County water distribution system for the purpose of purchasing potable water from Alexander County. Mr. French recommended that this resolution be added to next week's agenda.

Chairman John Watts presented an application for funding requests from non-budgeted organizations for approval. The application requires information such as nature of work/service, current fiscal status, previous years budget/expenses, etc.

Commissioner Harbinson made a motion to approve the application. Commissioner Odom seconded the motion. The Board voted unanimously in favor of the motion.


  1. Minutes from June 6, 2000; June 20, 2000; June 27, 2000 Regular Meetings
  2. Minutes from June 27, 2000 Closed Session
  3. Tax Refunds from June $4,232.69 and Tax Releases from June $714.62

Commissioner Bolick made a motion to approve the Consent Agenda. Commissioner Odom seconded the motion. The Board voted unanimously in favor of the motion.


Commissioner Bolick made a motion to adjourn at 9:00 p.m. and to reconvene in Closed Session to discuss Personnel matters. Commissioner Odom seconded the motion. The Board voted unanimously in favor of the motion.



John F. Watts, Chairman                    Jamie C. Millsaps, Clerk to the Board