ABSENT: Darrell Robertson STAFF:
Chairman Harbinson opened the Peoples’Agenda at 6:45 p.m. with no citizens presenting any issues. During this time, Chairman Harbinson gave the Chairman's Report which included: a Thank You letter from Sugar Loaf Elementary School; a report from the N.C. Dept. of Revenue stating that Alexander County is ranked 86% in the state in its effective tax rate; and a Resolution submitted by McDowell County supporting the Ten Commandments being placed in all schools. Rick French, County Manager, announced that Tiffany Warren Cotuna has been hired as the Alexander County Recreation Director, effective January 1, 2000. REGULAR MEETING Chairman Harbinson opened the regular meeting of the Alexander County Commissioners at approximately 7:00 PM. Rev. Paul Schronce, Pastor of Mt. Herman Baptist Church, gave the Invocation. Ronnie Skinner led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. CITIZEN OF THE MONTH AWARD Chairman Joel Harbinson presented the Citizen of the Month Award to Hilda Willet, a retired nurse that has devoted many years to the health care of this entire community. ADOPTION OF AGENDA Four recommendations were presented to change agenda: 1) Consideration to adopt a Resolution to display the Ten Commandments in all public Schools. 2) Information on the donation of items displayed in the Courthouse. 3) Additional budget request to purchase a vehicle for the Department of Social Services. 4) Consideration of lease with Duke Power for Dusty Ridge Park. Commissioner Bolick made the motion to adopt the Agenda with the above changes noted. Commissioner Watts seconded the motion and the Board voted unanimously in favor of the motion. ITEM # 1 - PUBLIC HEARING: REZONING CASE 99-3 Corey Teague Chairman Harbinson recommended that Commissioner Bolick be excused from the meeting since Item No. 1 on the Agenda involved him. Upon motion by Commissioner Watts and second by Commissioner Odom, the Board voted unanimously to excuse Commissioner Bolick during the Public Hearing for Rezoning Case 99-3. Chairman Harbinson called the Public Hearing to Order. SUMMARY: Wesley Bolick, Bruce Benfield, and Mary Richey have submitted an application and petition to have 8.5 acres located off NC Hwy 127 North to be rezoned from Residential Agricultural RA-20 to Highway - Commercial. This was presented by Corey Teague. This proposed use is for a retail furniture and reupholstering business; however, no new structures are being proposed. These properties fall into the "Urban Transition" area in the Land Development Plan. The Planning Board and Staff recommended approval of the rezoning. No citizens objected to the rezoning. Commissioner Watts made the motion to close the Public Hearing, which was seconded by Commissioner Odom. The Board voted unanimously in favor of the motion. Commissioner Odom made the motion to approve this property rezoning. Commissioner Watts seconded the motion and the Board voted unanimously in favor of the motion. Motion by Commissioner Odom and seconded by Commissioner Watts that Commissioner Bolick return to the Meeting. The Board voted unanimously in favor of this motion. ITEM # 2 - PUBLIC HEARING: TEXT AMENDMENT 99-3: SECTIONS 154 - 156 Chairman Harbinson called the Public Hearing to Order. SUMMARY: Sylvia Turnmire, Director of Planning and Development, submitted changes based on recommendations received from the October 7, 1999 Planning Board Meeting. These revisions were recommendations from the Proposed Manufactured Home Park Ordinance and Appearance Criteria that was adopted July 6, 1999. The Alexander County Planning Board unanimously recommended approval of these changes to Section 154: pg. 122; Section 154.141 (A)-pg. 146; Section 154(A) pg.147; Section 154-pg. 155 E; Section 154 Definition of Manufactured Homes-pg.119 for deletion of text and addition of sentence; Section 156.001 (G) and 156.002 (G). (See attachment #1) No citizens made comments or objected to these changes. Upon motion by Commissioner Watts and second by Commissioner Odom, the Board voted unanimously in favor of the motion to close the Public Hearing. Commissioner Odom made the motion to approve the Text Amendments 99-3 as presented by Sylvia Turnmire. Commissioner Bolick seconded the motion and the Board voted unanimously in favor of the motion. ITEM # 3 - TEXT AMENDMENT 99-4: LAKE HICKORY DEVELOPERS, LLC Chairman Harbinson called the Public Hearing to order. SUMMARY: Lake Hickory Developers LLC had submitted an application and petition to amend the Zoning Ordinance of Alexander County that would allow provisions for cluster housing or "patio homes". "Patio homes" are single-family dwelling units on individual lots designed for a retirement village or first-time homebuyer development. The Staff and Planning Board unanimously recommended a floating residential zoning district within or abutting to the R-20 Zoning District. Mr. Cecil Clarke representing the Lake Hickory Developers stated that they would be able to develop this property as stated by the Planning Board. Upon a motion from Commissioner Watts and a second from Commissioner Odom, the Board voted unanimously to close the Public Hearing. Commissioner Watts made the motion to approve the application and the petition to amend the Zoning Ordinance. Commissioner Odom seconded the motion. The Board voted unanimously in favor of the motion. ITEM # 4 - CONSIDERATION OF NEW FEES FOR ALEXANDER COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT Shelley Carraway SUMMARY: Health Director Shelley Carraway suggested that, due to an increase in the demand for Hepatitis A vaccine, a need to offer newly available vaccine to prevent Lyme disease, and since the flu and pneumonia season is arriving, the Alexander County Board of Health proposes an increase in fees. The increase will be $12.00 for the flu vaccine and $20.00 for the pneumonia vaccine. A series of three shots is required for the Lyme disease treatment. They are recommending a $150.00 up-front fee. Commissioner Watts made the motion to approve the request for the increased fees for the Alexander County Health Department. Commissioner Odom seconded the motion. The Commissioners voted unanimously in favor of the motion. ITEM # 5 - DUSTY RIDGE PARK COMMITTEE PROGRESS REPORT SUMMARY: The Dusty Ridge Park Committee (Task Force) has met several times and has completed several projects. A draft copy of the Lease with Duke Power for the Dusty Ridge Land has been submitted to the County Attorney and County Manager for consideration. The Park Committee has held four meetings to finalize the Lease agreement. It will be available by November 4, 1999. The project is being completed in three phases.. Commissioner Odom made a motion to approve the $50,000.00 Budget request. Commissioner Watts seconded the motion. The Board voted unanimously in favor of the motion. ITEM # 6 - CONSIDERATION OF A LEASE AGREEMENT WITH DUKE POWER FOR DUSTY RIDGE PARK County Attorney Ed Hedrick This item was tabled. ITEM # 7 - AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A PARKS & RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR ALEXANDER COUNTY SUMMARY: Recently, Sam Erwin of the Western Piedmont Council of Governments presented the Alexander County Parks and Recreation Study that was adopted by the County Commissioners. There was a recommendation to establish an Advisory Committee composed of nine (9) members. This Advisory Committee will consist of one elected County Commissioner and the Recreation Director as an exofficio members, with nine members being composed of each of the seven (7) community presidents, an appointee by the County, and an appointee by the Town of Taylorsville. Commissioner Watts made a motion to approve the Ordinance Establishing a Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee for Alexander County. Commissioner Bolick seconded the motion. The Board of Commissioners voted unanimously in favor of the motion. Upon a motion by Commissioner Odom and second by Commissioner Watts, the Board voted unanimously to appoint Danny Dyson to this Advisory Committee as the County representative. Commissioner Watts made a motion that Chairman Harbinson serve as the Commissioner on this Advisory Board. Commissioner Bolick seconded the motion. The Board voted unanimously in favor of the motion. ITEM # 8 - WATER PURCHASE CONTRACT DRAFT - ALEXANDER COUNTY, CALDWELL COUNTY, AND CITY OF HICKORY (First Reading) SUMMARY: Rick French, County Manager, presented a Draft of the Water Purchase Contract that was reviewed during the Work Session held on October 19, 1999. (Attachment # 3) Commissioner Bolick made the motion to approve the "First Reading" of the Water Purchase Contract Draft. Commissioner Odom seconded the motion and the Board voted unanimously in favor of the motion. ITEM # 9 - CONSIDERATION OF RIGHT OF WAY AGREEMENT - PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF NC AND ALEXANDER COUNTY SUMMARY: Public Service Company of North Carolina recently extended natural gas lines into Alexander County and the Town of Taylorsville. Steve Chastain, PSNC representative, requested a Right of Way Agreement for specific property owned by the County. The acquisition of 12 ft x 25 ft of right of way is needed for the installation of natural gas lines. Commissioner David Odom made the motion to approve the Right of Way Agreement. Commissioner Bolick seconded the motion and the Board voted unanimously in favor of the motion. ITEM # 10 - CONSIDERATION OF ALEXANDER COUNTY SUBSTANCE ABUSE POLICY (DRAFT) SUMMARY: Charles McGinnis presented a Draft of an "Alexander County Substance Abuse Policy" to be considered for adoption. The purpose of this policy is to eliminate endangerment to our employees and the public from the risks posed by the misuse of alcohol and prohibited drugs. This policy will apply to all employees – whether they are full-time employees, part-time employees, contract employees, or contractors. He recommended corrections on pages 2, 5, 6, and 10. Commissioner Wesley Bolick made a motion to approve the Substance Abuse Policy Draft and the corrections as presented by Charles McGinnis. Commissioner David Odom seconded the motion. The Board voted unanimously in favor of the motion. ITEM # 11 - CONSIDERATION FOR SECOND MEETING IN NOVEMBER FOR WORK SESSION SUMMARY: A Work Session is scheduled to be held on Tuesday, November 16, 1999, at the Alexander County Department of Social Services Conference Room, Taylorsville, NC at 6:15 pm. The Water and Sewer Feasibility Study will be discussed on this date. Commissioner John Watts made a motion to have the Work Session on November 16, 1999. Commissioner Odom seconded the motion. The Board of Commissioners voted unanimously in favor of the motion. ITEM # 12 - CONSIDERATION FOR PUBLIC HEARING ON SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS SUMMARY: Subdivision Regulations were discussed on October 19, 1999, at the Special Works Session. The Public Hearing has been set for 7:00 pm on December 7, 1999. Commissioner Watts made a motion to have the Public Hearing on the above date. Commissioner Odom seconded the motion. The Board voted unanimously in favor of the motion. ITEM #13 - CONSIDERATION OF PLANNING RETREAT DATES IN 2000 SUMMARY: The Planning Retreat for January 13-15, 2000 will be at the Chetola Resort and Conference Center in Blowing Rock, N.C. Rick French presented the schedule to the Commissioners for adoption. Commissioner John Watts stated this Agenda: Thursday evening thru Saturday at noon. Commissioners will meet on Thursday evening. Staff and Department heads will convene on Friday. The Board of Education will meet on Saturday morning. All meetings are opened to the public. Upon a motion by Commissioner Bolick and second by Commissioner Odom, the Board voted unanimously to adopt the January 13 -15 dates for the Planning Retreat. ITEM # 14 - APPOINTMENTS: INCORPORATION COMMITTEES HEALTH DEPARTMENT BOARD APPOINTEES SUMMARY: Appointments are needed for the Incorporation Committees and the Health Department Board. The Board of Health for the Alexander County Health Department has two expired terms: Dr. David Linzey, the Veterinarian representative, has agreed to serve until January 2002. The terms of one of the Board of Health Departments Public at Large Representatives, Mr. Hurshel Teague, term has expired and he has declined to serve. The Commissioners recommended Ms. Crysta Ballard, as the appointee to serve effective January 2000. Motion by Commissioner Watts and second by Commissioner Odom to appoint the above persons to serve on the Health Department Board. The Board of Commissioners voted unanimously in favor of the motion. Commissioner Watts made the motion that Ms. Hilda Willet serve as the Region E Aging Advisory Committee member as requested by WPCOG, Sheila Weeks. Commissioner Odom seconded the motion. The Board voted unanimously in favor of the motion. ITEM # 15 - CONSIDERATION OF SURPLUS VEHICLES AND EQUIPMENT SUMMARY: Rick French, County Manager, presented the List of Surplus items with a Resolution to dispose of them. This list was submitted as a "Public Notice Surplus Property Sale" to be advertised with details on submitting bids and a public auction. Commissioner Bolick made the motion to submit the list to be advertised and sold at a public auction. Commissioner Odom seconded the motion and the Board voted unanimously in favor of the motion. ITEM # 16 - COUNTY’S MANAGER’S REPORT:
OTHER BUSINESS: ITEM # 17 - RESOLUTION TO POST THE TEN COMMANDMENTS IN SCHOOLS Commissioner Bolick read the Resolution as submitted by McDowell County to support the placement of the Ten Commandments in all public schools. Commissioner Bolick made a motion that Alexander County support the Resolution that places the Ten Commandments in all schools. Commissioner Odom seconded the motion. The Board voted:one (1) for the Resolution - Commissioner Bolick; two (2) against - Commissioners Harbinson and Watts; one (1) abstention -Commissioner Odom. ITEM # 18 - DONATION OF PAINTINGS, ETC. PLACED IN THE COURTHOUSE Chairman Harbinson volunteered to purchase four (4) items (a series of Documents) to be placed in the Alexander Courthouse that he will donate to Alexander County as a private citizen. Chairman Harbinson noted that he had placed a copy of the Ten Commandments in each of the courtrooms in the Alexander County Courthouse and will donate replicas of the Magna Carta, U.S. Constitution, and the Bill of Rights as a historical display of the documents which had major roles in the development of English Common law, which is the predecessor of our modern judicial codes. No action was required. ITEM # 19 - BUDGET REQUEST FOR DSS VECHICLE REPLACEMENT Commissioner Odom made a Budget request to purchase a vehicle for the Department of Social Services since their vehicle was recently destroyed by fire. He recommended that the County purchase a new mini-van to transport clients and children. Commissioner Watts made the motion that the County Manager secure bids to buy DSS a vehicle. Commissioner Odom seconded the motion. The Board voted three (3) for purchasing a vehicle (Watts, Harbinson, and Odom;) and one (1) against (Bolick). CONSENT AGENDA: 1) Minutes from the Commissioner’s Meeting held on October 5, 1999; Work Session Minutes of October19, 1999. 2) Tax Releases for October ($1,280.68) and Tax Refund requests for October ($234.88). 3) Budget Amendment #12: Rescue Squad - Account No. 10-6900.9500 increase $33,660.00 for the purchase of new vehicle from Contingency Funds. (Attachment # 4) 4) Resolution requesting release of State Funds for Economic Technical Assistance - WPCOG (Attachment #5) Commissioner Odom made the motion to approve the Consent Agenda. Commissioner Bolick seconded the motion. The Board voted unanimously in favor of the motion. ADJOURNMENT Upon a motion by Commissioner Watts and second by Commissioner Odom, the Board voted unanimously to adjourn until the Work Session scheduled for Tuesday, November 16, 1999 at 6:15 pm.
__________________________ ____________________________ Joel C. Harbinson, Chairman Helen P. Anthony, Clerk to Board |