November 17, 1997 PRESENT:
Chairman Craig Mayberry called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the County Commissioners Meeting room of the Alexander County Courthouse. The Reverend Keith Childers gave the invocation and Chairman Mayberry led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. ELLENDALE BOY SCOUT TROOP VISITATION Chairman Mayberry welcomed Boy Scout Troop # 347 from Ellendale who were visiting to work on their citizenship merit badges. SHERIFFS DEPARTMENT-SCHOOL RESOURCE OFFICER Sheriff Ray Warren and members of the Alexander County Board of Education requested the Board of Commissioners authorize an application to fund resource officers at the two junior high schools. Such an officer is now stationed at the high school. The grant would pay 75% of the cost for the first two years. The Board of Education agreed to pay the other 25% out of its annual appropriation or from state funds if available. The grant requires the county to continue the program after the two year grant expires. The delegation reported the high school resource officer has been very helpful and effective in reducing tension and violence. The first year budget would be about $118,000, counting new vehicles, equipment, salaries, and operating expense. Superintendent Robert Austin and members of the Board of Education were present to support the proposed application. Mr. Austin indicated he believes the General Assembly will probably require resource officers in every junior high school in the near future. Resource officers provide counseling and teaching as well as enforcement. The Board directed the Sheriff to complete the application and clarify what Board of Education dollars (line 69 monies) and other monies can be used for the 25% local match, and return to a future meeting for consideration prior to the application being filed. SHERIFFS DEPARTMENT-BUDGET AMENDMENT Upon motion by Commissioner Kerley and second by Commissioner Glass the Board voted unanimously to authorize the Sheriff to spend $2,750.00 in federal forfeiture funds by budget amendment #30 (Attachment #1). SHERIFFS DEPARTMENT-FINGER PRINT MACHINE Sheriff Ray Warren asked the Board to authorize the Sheriff to apply for a grant to purchase a special finger print machine. The grant would purchase the $80,000 machine and fees would pay the operating expense. Upon motion by Commissioner Kerley and second by Commissioner Bolick the Board voted unanimously to authorize the Sheriff to apply for a fingerprint machine. DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES-PLANNING COMMITTEE DSS Director Nan Campbell advised the Board that a planning committee must be appointed to develop a guide by which the county will meet the goal of transferring DSS clients from welfare to self-sufficiency. Alexander County will develop a plan according to the guidelines for a "Standard County." Upon motion by Commissioner Bolick and second by Commissioner Kerley the Board voted unanimously to appoint seven members to the Social Services Planning Committee as follows:
AUDIT REPORT Representatives of Martin, Starnes and Associates, CPA, presented the results of the 1996-97 audit. The CPA reported the County received an unqualified opinion and the County is in sound financial condition as of June 30, 1997. Upon motion by Commissioner Kerley and second by Commissioner Bolick the Board voted unanimously to accept the audit as presented. RINK DAM ROAD-WATER EXTENSION The Board was advised that a developer has offered to pay $3,500 toward the estimated $10,000 cost of extending water on Rink Dam Road. The line would start at Lake Vista Lane and proceed west toward Church road. A connection all the way to Church Road is much needed in order to form a loop that would help ensure a more reliable flow to the new school being constructed on Church Road. Upon motion by Commissioner Kerley and second by Commissioner Glass the Board voted unanimously to authorize the construction of about 1,000 feet of water line on Rink Dam Road, provided the developer pays $3,500 and other connections pay $500 assessments. The Board directed that cost of completing a line from Church Road to Lake Vista Lane be determined so the Board can decide whether to complete the loop. CHRISTMAS-CLOSING SCHEDULE The Board was advised that several employees had inquired about officially closing offices on December 26. First, state offices and most other local government offices will be closed. It will be difficult for some agencies such as DSS to provide a complete service. A survey of departments indicate that most support closing on the 26th. Public safety departments and solid waste would operate as they always have on the day after Christmas. A survey of other counties indicates Alexander is one of only ten counties that provides ten or fewer paid holidays. Fifty-five counties provide twelve or more paid holidays. Commissioner Bolick made a motion to close offices on December 26, 1997, provided employees take vacation time, with public safety and solid waste working as usual, with those employees lacking leave time being allowed to work provided their supervisor agrees. This motion was seconded by Commissioner Robertson and passed unanimously. WATER & SEWER-COMPREHENSIVE STUDY The Board discussed the need for a comprehensive water and sewer study. Such a study would provide quidance on where extension priorities should be, when it might be cost effective to construct treatment plants and have an operating department rather than contract operation and maintenance. Upon motion by Commissioner Robertson and second by Commissioner Kerley the Board voted unanimously to proceed with the process to select a consultant to perform a comprehensive water and sewer study, and with the Town of Taylorsville and Water Corporation being notified and offered an opportunity to be included. BOARD OF HEALTH APPOINTMENT Upon motion by Commissioner Mayberry and second by Commissioner Bolick the Board voted unanimously to reappoint Dr. Walter N. Long to a three year term on the Board of Health. BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT APPOINTMENTS Chairman Mayberry announced that Hershel Teague has declined to serve on the Board of Adjustment. Upon motion by Commissioner Mayberry and second by Commissioner Bolick the Board voted unanimously to appoint Jerry Palmer to the Board of Adjustment to replace Hershel Teague. CONSENT AGENDA Upon motion by Commissioner Kerley and second by Commissioner Glass the Board voted unanimously to approve the consent agenda as follows: MINUTES The minutes of November 3, 1997, were approved as presented by the Clerk to The Board. TAX REFUNDS AND RELEASES Tax refunds of $770.86 and tax releases of $502.71 were approved as requested. CLOSED SESSION Upon motion by Commissioner Kerley and second by Commissioner Robertson the Board voted unanimously to go into closed session to discuss personnel and a potential industrial prospect, to return to open session for purpose of adjournment only. ADJOURNMENT Upon motion by Commissioner Kerley and second by Commissioner Glass the Board voted unanimously to adjourn at 10:15 p.m.
_________________________ ____________________________ Charles S.
K. Craig Mayberry, Chairman |