November 3, 1997 PRESENT: K. Craig Mayberry STAFF:
Chairman Craig Mayberry called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the County Commissioners Meeting room of the Alexander County Courthouse. The Reverend Charles Hutchens gave the invocation and Chairman Mayberry led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. BUBBA WATTS MEMORIAM Chairman Mayberry asked that a moment of silence be held in memory of Mr. Winford (Bubba) Watts, a former recreation department employee who died recently. Mr. Watts had long been a youth coach and for three years an employee of the Recreation Department. ROAD NAME PUBLIC HEARING Chairman Mayberry called to order a public hearing as advertised and notice duly given to consider comment regarding the naming of certain private roads. There was no public comment. Upon motion by Commissioner Kerley and second by Commissioner Robertson the Board voted unanimously to approve road names as follows: 3798B Adam Sigmon Lane Off York Rd. 37962A Barefoot Landing Drive Off Smith Farm Rd. 37972B Big House Lane Off NC 90 East 37752A Bun Chapman Drive Off Paul Payne 3786D Hoover"s Drive Off Mt. Wesley Ch. Rd. 37983A Keen Circle Off Moose Dr. 37862A Lineside Drive Off Old Mountain 1364 Renees Rocky Top Drive Off Houck Mtn. Rd. 3787LL Rogers Farm Lane Off Old Mountain 38203A Stonie Burke Drive Off Bus Pennell Ln. 3786AAA Thunder Road Off Johnny Martin Ln. EDC-WAL-MART GRANT Wal-Mart Manager Joe Baldwin presented to the Board of Commissioners a $2,000 check to be used for economic development. He indicated the grant may be used for general activities such as recruitment and development. SEDGWICK JAMES Mr. Robert Hibbitts, field representative with Sedgwick James, reported that Sedgwick James continues to provided good service to the counties of North Carolina through the pool administered by Sedgwick James. He thanked the Board for being a member of the pool. He emphasized the pool is governed by a board of directors comprised of the member counties. Chairman Mayberry reported that Alexander County has received excellent service and a competitive fee from the pool. MITCHELL GOLD REVENUE BONDS The Board was advised that Mitchell Gold, Inc., is proceeding with plans to issue $6,000,000 in industrial revenue bonds in order to construct a new facility on Millersville Road. Chairman Mayberry introduced to the Board a resolution authorizing the Alexander County Industrial Facilities and Pollution Control Financing Authority to meet on November 11, 1997, to approve sale of the bonds, Loan Agreement, the trustee, and other aspects of the bond issue. A representative of Mitchell Gold reported the hiring goal has been met and thanked the Board for facilitating the process. Upon motion by Commissioner Bolick and second by Commissioner Glass the Board voted unanimously to approve the Mitchell Gold bond issue by resolution (Attachment #1). COOPERATIVE EXTENSION-REPORT Cooperative Extension Director Lenny Rogers gave a general activity report and explained a new employee appointment procedure being used by North Carolina State University. The new procedure requires exempt Extension employees to receive a term, "at will", or combination appointment. This aligns Extension employees more closely with on-campus staff. He emphasized a wetlands project at Sugar Loaf School and a dry litter program in the county. Mr. Rogers indicated staff is planning an intense solid waste educational program as the disposal procedure will change in January, 1998. LIBRARY-BUDGET AMENDMENT Library Director Doris Stephens reported the General Assembly appropriated about $22,000 after the 1997-98 county budget was adopted. She asked the Board to approve a budget amendment that allocates monies for supplies, books, materials, and capital outlay. Upon motion by Commissioner Kerley and second by Commissioner Glass the Board voted unanimously to approve budget amendment # 29 to budget an additional $22,138 for the Library (Attachment #2). SOLID WASTE-TRANSFER STATION CHANGE ORDER The Board was advised that the entrance road to the transfer station does need to be constructed partly over an area that contains garbage. This garbage has to be removed and suitable soil exchanged at a cost of $5,565.00. This cost was not anticipated in the contract and a change order is required. Upon motion by Commissioner Kerley and second by Commissioner Glass the Board voted unanimously to add $5,565.00 to the Hickory Construction Company contract by change order number two. TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM The Board was advised by Commissioner Kerley that a transportation improvement advisory committee met on October 14 and voted to recommend county road improvement projects per the attached list. Road improvement projects are to be presented to the North Carolina Department of Transportation on November 5. Upon motion by Commissioner Robertson and second by Commissioner Bolick the Board voted unanimously to recommend road improvement projects to the North Carolina Department of Transportation per the attachment (Attachment #3). WATER LINE EXTENSIONS Upon motion by Commissioner Bolick and second by Commissioner Kerley the Board voted unanimously to authorize the City of Hickory to install water lines on Davis Cove Road and Icard Ridge Road to satisfy the cost sharing commitment for 1997-98, along with the extension to Antioch Baptist Church having been previously approved. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION APPOINTMENTS Upon motion by Commissioner Glass and second by Commissioner Bolick the Board voted unanimously to reappoint Kent Kerley and Harry Robertson . Charles Harrington was appointed to the Economic Development Commission with Mr. Harrington replacing Dale Martin. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Upon motion by Commissioner Glass and second by Commissioner Bolick the Board voted unanimously to appoint County Manager Charles Mashburn to represent county government on the Chamber of Commerce. JOINT NURSING ADVISORY COMMITTEE Upon motion by Commissioner Glass and second by Commissioner Bolick the Board voted unanimously to appoint Helen Anthony to replace Julia Armstrong on the Joint Nursing and Domiciliary Home Advisory Committee. REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY Upon motion by Commissioner Glass and second by Commissioner Bolick the Board voted unanimously to reappoint Raeford Thomas to the Regional Transportation Authority. SENIOR CENTER ADVISORY COMMITTEE Upon motion by Commissioner Glass and second by Commissioner Bolick the Board voted unanimously to appoint to the Senior Center Advisory Committee members as follows: Ross Carrigan to replace Joe McDuffie Tim Lackey to replace P. D. Watts Rev. Jeff Smith-reappointed Sam Spencer-reappointed Neil Summers-reappointed REGION E. DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION Upon motion by Commissioner Glass and second by Commissioner Bolick the Board voted unanimously to appoint Bobbi Ferguson to replace Maxine Stone on the Region E. Development Corporation. CONSENT AGENDA Upon motion by Commissioner Robertson and second by Commissioner Glass the Board voted unanimously to approve the Consent Agenda as follows: MINUTES The minutes of October 20, 1997, were approved as presented by the Clerk to the Board. GOVERNING BODY BUDGET AMENDMENT #28 Budget amendment #28 was approved to transfer $12,000 from contingency to capital outlay for purchase of computers for the Board of Commissioners (Attachment #4). SOIL & WATER BUDGET AMENDMENT #26 Budget Amendment #26 was approved to appropriate $200 in additional Soil & Water revenue (Attachment #5). TAX DEPARTMENT BUDGET AMENDMENT # 27 Budget Amendment #27 was approved to appropriate $6,000 to pay legal expenses of collecting delinquent taxes (Attachment # 6). Recess Chairman Mayberry reported the Board would recess to hold a short workshop to discuss but not vote on several organizational items. ADJOURNMENT Upon motion by Commissioner Kerley and second by Commissioner Bolick the Board voted unanimously to adjourn at 10:00 p.m. ___________________ _______________________________ Charles S. Mashburn K. Craig Mayberry,
Chairman |