October 20, 1997  



W. Guy Kerley, Vice Chairman
Timothy Glass
Darrell Robertson
Wes Bolick

ABSENT: K. Craig Mayberry


Charles S. Mashburn, Clerk to the Board
Jerry Campbell, Attorney

Vice Chairman Guy Kerley called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the County Commissioner’s Meeting room of the Alexander County Courthouse. The Reverend Charlie Fouche gave the invocation and Vice Chairman Kerley led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.


Vice Chairman Kerley announced the road naming public hearing had not been advertised as required and this item was tabled until the November 6 meeting.


County Attorney Jerry Campbell reported contract negotiations with BFI, Inc., were about complete, and the final contract was presented for Board consideration. BFI agreed to provide a 22 ton truck in exchange for leaving the 20 ton average in the contract. The contract provides a three year extension upon request of the county. One area of concern regards the authorization for BFI to increase fees if regulatory changes cause BFI costs to increase. The County did not achieve agreement to void the contract in those situations. A fee increase based on extraordinary fuel cost increases was also included in the contract.

Ms. Linda Ashendorff, representing BFI, and Mr. Arlie Snider, representing the hauling contractor (Rainbow Transport), were present.

Upon motion by Commissioner Robertson and second by Commissioner Glass the Board voted unanimously to approve the solid waste hauling contract as amended on October 20, pending a final finished contract.

The Board discussed a recommendation by Commissioner Bolick that a set of scales should be installed at the loading dock to control truck weight. The Board was advised that staff had already been evaluating alternatives, including the purchase of a truck to move trailers back and forth to the scales. This appears to be a cheaper alternative than having two sets of scales.


Director of Social Services Nan Campbell explained the details of 1997 legislation that allows counties in North Carolina to remain as "standard" service counties or "electing" counties. "Electing" counties will be able to develop some of their own public assistance benefit and eligibility criteria, as well as have organizational options. Only 15.5% of the welfare population can be served by electing counties for the first year of the pilot programs. Each county must decide by October 31, 1997. Those selecting the "electing" designation can later choose standard, but those electing standard status must remain that for at least the first year. The Board was advised to choose the "electing" designation in order to retain its options. Ms. Campbell reported the Board of Social Services voted to recommend the county remain a "standard" county for two years pending an evaluation of the true costs and benefits.

Upon motion by Commissioner Glass and second by Commissioner Robertson the Board voted unanimously to choose the "standard" status for providing public assistance services pending further evaluation.


Ms. Nan Campbell, in her role as chairperson of the Alexander County Transportation Authority, asked the Board to authorize a one year extension for a state required transportation development plan. She explained that the North Carolina Department of Transportation is encouraging a regional plan rather than individual county plans, and Alexander County will participate in a Unifour transportation plan. This plan will not be completed until 1998, thus a one year extension for Alexander County is required in order for the county to participate. The county share of the cost will be $4,000.

Upon motion by Commissioner Glass and second by Commissioner Bolick the Board voted unanimously to authorize a one year extension on the existing Transportation Development Plan.


Ms. Nan Campbell requested a budget amendment for the Transportation Department to recognize additional revenue approved since the 1997-98 budget was submitted. She explained that $12,500 was approved for the coordinator position, $14,197 for additional elderly and handicapped transportation, and another $12,000 for puchase of computers and other capital outlay, and to also approve a contract cost of $4,000 for the transportation plan.

Upon motion by Commissioner Bolick and second by Commissioner Glass the Board voted unanimously to approve Transportation Department budget amendment #25 (Attachment # 1).


Mr. Barry Hollar asked the Board to allow the Dusty Ridge Park Board of Directors to apply for a $10,000 matching state grant. The grant applications must be completed by a unit of local government, but could be used for Dusty Ridge. Mr. Hollar indicated the park board has pledges of $10,000 as a match. Mr. Sam Irwin, Western Piedmont Council of Governments, advised the Commissioners that other grants could be applied for by the County, even if the Dusty Ridge grant is approved.

Mr. Hollar advised the Board that Dusty Ridge Park was donated by Duke Power Company and is not a part of the county recreation programs. However, the county would be responsible for the grant since the county would be the applicant. The grant also requires the applicant to have control of the property for twenty -five years. This may require the Park and the county to reach some long-term agreements.

Commissioner Glass indicated this park should be included in the County Recreation Commission long range plan for the Board to vote to help fund and take over this park.

Mr. Hollar indicated the Recreation Commission did vote to support the application.

Upon motion by Commissioner Glass and second by Commissioner Robertson the Board voted unanimously not to authorize Dusty Ridge Park to apply for a $10,000 state grant, and to direct the Dusty Ridge Park Board to approach the Recreation Commission regarding including or not including the park in a long range plan.


Upon motion by Commissioner Robertson and second by Commissioner Kerley the Board voted unanimously to approve the North Carolina Statewide Emergency Management Mutual Aid and Assistance Agreement. This agreement provides that each county will provide mutual aid to other counties on an as needed and requested basis, and provided the requested county has the resources to contribute. The recipient county will reimburses the donor county for personnel and other expenses.


Upon motion by Commissioner Glass and second by Commissioner Bolick the Board voted unanimously to approve a $1,950 addition to the transfer station contract to relocate the office and construct an unloading area for small loads.


Upon motion by Commissioner Glass and second by Commissioner Robertson the Board voted unanimously to add to the agenda consideration of a water line to Antioch Church.


The Board was informed that trustees of the Antioch Baptist Church have agreed to pay one-half the cost of constructing water to the Church. Total cost of the project is estimated at $12,000. Upon motion by Commissioner Kerley and second by Commissioner Bolick the Board voted unanimously to request the City of Hickory install a water line to Antioch Church as part of the cost sharing arrangement, provided the county share does not exceed $6,000, and pending clarification whether a twelve inch line may be needed.


Upon motion by Commissioner Robertson and second by Commissioner Glass the Board voted unanimously to approve the Consent Agenda as follows:


The minutes of October 6, 1997, were approved as presented by the Clerk to the Board.


Budget Amendment #17 was approved to appropriate $2,174.00 in Drug Forfeiture monies (Attachment #2).


Tax releases of $69.40 and tax refunds of $189.97 were approved as requested.


Upon motion by Commissioner Bolick and second by Commissioner Glass the Board voted unanimously to adjourn.


_________________________ _____________________________

Charles S. Mashburn                   W. Guy Kerley, Vice Chairman