




July 26, 2004

PRESENT: W. Norris Keever, Chairman
Wesley E. Bolick
Joel C. Harbinson
W. Darrell Robertson
ABSENT: William L. Hammer, Vice-Chairman
STAFF: Rick French, County Manager
Jamie Starnes, Clerk to the Board
MEDIA: Gary Herman, The Taylorsville Times
Norris Keever, WACB Radio


The Alexander County Board of Commissioners held a regular meeting on Monday, July 26, 2004 in the Catawba Valley Community College / Alexander Center Multipurpose Room, Taylorsville, North Carolina.


Chairman Keever called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM.


Commissioner Harbinson gave the invocation and also led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.


Chairman Keever discussed his recent trip to the NACo Conference in Phoenix, Arizona.  Chairman Keever stated that he attended the general session and several work sessions at the conference and had learned many interesting things.  He informed the Board that he and his wife also attended a ball game at the air conditioned ball park called the “Bob” and also visited the Rawhide old western town.  Chairman Keever mentioned that he drove approximately 4,400 miles round trip.  He also thanked the Board for the opportunity to attend the conference.

Chairman Keever informed the Board that Commissioner Hammer would not be present at the meeting tonight because he had previous commitments.  The Board excused his absence.


Commissioner Robertson made a motion to adopt the agenda as presented.  Commissioner Bolick seconded the motion.  The Board voted unanimously in favor of the motion.


Sylvia Turnmire, Director of Planning & Development, presented Rezoning Case 04-5 submitted by Timothy Lail.  Mr. Lail requested rezoning of property located on Hubbard Road and Cemetery Loop from R-20 (Residential) to H-C (Highway-Commercial).  The size of the property is 5.305 acres and the existing land use is for a single family manufactured home.   Ms. Turnmire stated that zoning within 100 feet of the property was R-20 and RA-20 to the north, R-20 to the south and west, and H-C, R-20, and RA-20 to the east.  There is a singlewide manufactured home located to the north of the property as well as a single-family site-built home and a cemetery to the south, a singlewide manufactured home, commercial, and vacant property to the east, and vacant property to the west.

Ms. Turnmire stated that the applicant wished to rezone the property to expand his existing business, Hickory Tile and Marble and she noted that a 7,200 square foot building was proposed for the northern section of the property.  She stated that the property was currently occupied by a singlewide manufactured home.  Ms. Turnmire pointed out that Hubbard Road would serve as the proposed entrance to the property and Cemetery Loop would serve as the exit, which she felt would be a minimum impact to the neighbors since it would not increase truck turnaround in the area.

Ms. Turnmire stated that the property was served by an 8-inch water line and would be served by an individual septic system.  She also explained that current tax records indicated 2 taxable structures on the property including one 1,800 square foot building and one 5,800 square foot building. 

Ms. Turnmire presented several photos of the property for the Board’s viewing and she pointed out the location for the proposed building as well as the proposed entrance and exit.

Ms. Turnmire stated that several neighbors had raised concerns regarding heavy traffic in the area during the Planning & Zoning Commission Meetings.  Therefore, Ms. Turnmire presented the following table which provided average daily traffic counts for Hubbard Road and surrounding roads for comparison.


Road Name / SR #

Traffic Study Location

Trips Per Day


Hubbard Rd. / SR 1143

N of intersection w/ Cemetery Loop (in front of subject property)



Hubbard Rd. / SR 1143

W of intersection w/ Shiloh Church Rd.



Shiloh Church Rd./ SR 1208   

W of intersection w/ NC 127



NC 127

N of intersection w/ Shiloh Church Rd.



Rink Dam Rd. / SR 1137

W of intersection w/ NC 127


Ms. Turnmire explained that the purpose of the H-C (Highway-Commercial) District was to provide a suitable location for those commercial activities which serve primarily the traveling public, including those which function rather independently of each other.  She also stated that the Alexander County Land Development Plan showed these properties as being in an “Urban Transition Area” which was “to provide for future intensive urban development on lands that are suitable and that will be provided with the necessary urban services to support intense urban development.  Areas meeting the intent of Urban Transition classification are presently being developed for urban purposes or will be developed in the next 5 to 10 years to accommodate anticipated urban growth.”

Ms. Turnmire informed the Board that several neighboring property owners had submitted a protest petition for the rezoning request; however, she noted that the petition did not meet the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance and was therefore not a valid petition.  She also stated that staff had received 2 calls regarding the rezoning request, one in favor of the rezoning and one in opposition.  Ms. Turnmire informed the Board that staff as well as the Planning & Zoning Commission had unanimously recommended approval of the rezoning request.

Commissioner Robertson inquired about current traffic to the business and asked if there was any increase in traffic anticipated with the business expansion.  Tim Lail, property owner, replied that he did not anticipate any increase in traffic.

Commissioner Bolick stated that he had known Mr. Lail for 3 or 4 years and he was aware of what Mr. Lail had done to improve the property his current business was located on since purchasing it.  Commissioner Bolick felt that Hickory Tile and Marble was one of the better businesses within the county and surrounding areas where citizens that were building homes could purchase stone and marble.  Commissioner Bolick also stated that he was a neighbor to the business and was proud to have the business in his area.

Chairman Keever called the public hearing to order and requested any public comment.  There being no public comment, Commissioner Harbinson made a motion to close the public hearing.  Commissioner Robertson seconded the motion.  The Board voted unanimously in favor of the motion.

Commissioner Bolick made a motion to approve Rezoning Case 04-5.  Commissioner Harbinson seconded the motion.  The Board voted unanimously in favor of the motion.


David Icenhour, Economic Development Director, gave a report on economic development activities that had taken place during the first part of 2004.  Mr. Icenhour briefly discussed his position as Economic Development Director by explaining that he began the position part-time on January 1, 2004 while also holding the position of Human Resources Director.  He stated that he became Economic Development Director full-time in May 2004.

Mr. Icenhour stated that one of the first things he pursued as Economic Development Director was the rejoining of the Charlotte Regional Partnership, a 16-county organization that serves as the primary economic development organization for our region.  Mr. Icenhour informed the Board that he served as a member of the Economic Developers Advisory Committee that consisted of other economic developers in the region.  He stated that the economic developers discuss many different things that affect economic development in the region, ways to develop a network within the region, and approaches that are used in each county for economic development purposes.  Mr. Icenhour stated that the Economic Developers Advisory Committee provided suggestions to the Charlotte Regional Partnership Board of Directors, on which Rick French serves, on how to address needs of the entire region, which also helps to develop a network of people that have an influence over economic development activities in the region.

Mr. Icenhour stated that one of the primary advantages of being a member of the Charlotte Regional Partnership was their website.  He explained that he was able to enter available industrial and commercial properties into the Partnership’s website to allow citizens, business owners, etc. to search out specific information on each property.  Mr. Icenhour stated that there were 19 land-only properties available in Alexander County and a total of 583 in the region.  He pointed out that each of those 19 properties had its own individual page on the Partnership’s website that included the acreage, price per acre, and maps to show location in regard to major highways, a close up of the property, and an aerial photo provided by the County GIS Department.  Mr. Icenhour stated that there were 3 industrial and commercial buildings available in Alexander County and a total of 550 in the region.  Mr. Icenhour reiterated that there were over 1,100 commercial and industrial sites available in the region, emphasizing the importance of having an organized economic development effort due to the increasing competition in the region.  Mr. Icenhour also pointed out that there were only 4 sites listed on the Partnership’s website when he became Economic Development Director in January. 

Mr. Icenhour also explained that properties were automatically loaded to the N.C. Department of Commerce website once entered into the Partnership’s website.  He mentioned that there had been a problem with data entry on the Partnership’s website, preventing any properties from being loaded to the Department of Commerce.  This meant that someone searching for property on the Department of Commerce website would not find any property available in Alexander County, even though property was available.  However, he noted that the property had recently been fixed.

Another effort made has been the development of the County’s own economic development webpage.  Mr. Icenhour stated that the webpage provided information on the County such as location, transportation, water and sewer, etc. as well as information on available properties and buildings.   Mr. Icenhour informed the Board that each property had its own informational page formatted in PDF files so that they could be printed, faxed, and emailed.  Each page includes basic information on the property as well as acreage, price, contacts, aerial photos, and location maps.

Mr. Icenhour stated that he had spent a tremendous amount of time developing the Internet aspect of economic development because he had learned, in speaking with local economic developers in surrounding counties, that the Internet was crucial in today’s world.  He explained that companies or site consultants did their initial research for property on the Internet and then followed up with actual visits if they found something they were interested in.  He felt that it was important to establish that Internet presence and make sure that information was updated and accurate for potential customers to research.

Mr. Icenhour discussed tangible results since January including 7 actual visits to the county by company representatives who were considering relocation.  Mr. Icenhour informed the Board that those representatives were from California, Kentucky, and, most impressively, Canada.  Mr. Icenhour stated that the representative from Canada has gotten information from the County’s website, which was a great example of the how much the Internet could benefit economic development.  Mr. Icenhour also stated that he had 5 serious inquiries about specific properties and one new start-up company that would initially employ 20 to 25 people and result in an investment of approximately $1 million.  He also stated that several retail businesses, such as Lake Norman Propane, had been approved for Industrial Development Incentive Grants.

Mr. Icenhour stated that existing industries were the backbone of the County’s economy and he gave employee totals for the following businesses:

            Alexvale – 330 employees

            Schneider Mills – 356 employees

            Mitchell Gold – 620 employees

Mr. Icenhour discussed the progress of existing industry in the County and pointed out that one company had recently completed a 62,000 square foot expansion and purchased another 187,000 square foot building.  Existing industry investment expected for this year are $4 or $5 million with 50 to 70 new jobs.  Mr. Icenhour stated that he wanted to strive to make companies aware of the advantages of the County Incentive Policy as well as incentives through the N.C. Department of Commerce.

Mr. Icenhour stated that he had also started a visitation program, which included a visit to one or two companies a week to discuss economic development or any problems that could be solved.  He informed the Board that he had visited 5 or 6 companies so far and he noted that all seemed to be eager to participate and were happy to have one person they could call when they had a problem.   Mr. Icenhour noted that even though the County couldn’t solve all problems, he could be there to listen and help all he could.

Mr. Icenhour stated that he was also a member of the Hickory Metro Foreign Trade Zone Board and would become a member of the WPCOG Workforce Development tonight.  He stated that he had met with each economic developer in surrounding counties to discuss their daily activities involving economic development.  He also informed the Board that he had completed the Rural Center’s 9-day Rural Economic Development Institute and would be attending the School of Government’s 32nd Annual Basic Economic Development Course in September.

Mr. Icenhour stated that he was enjoying his work in economic development, which he felt was an important part of being successful; however, he noted that being successful would be a team effort.  He mentioned that another economic developer in a neighboring county had said “Economic Development is not a project…it’s a process.”  Mr. Icenhour stated that his interpretation of that quote was that economic development was not just about putting water and sewer lines in the ground, but that it was a long process that required patience.  Mr. Icenhour felt that getting involved with the Charlotte Regional Partnership and the Department of Commerce along with getting to know local industries and having an Internet presence was a good start of a long process that would result in some successes.  Mr. Icenhour stated that he would never be able to take credit for any particular success within economic development but he noted that he looked forward to playing a role, along with the Board, citizens, and business leaders, in helping making the pieces of the puzzle fall in the right places.

Chairman Keever discussed the Economic Development seminar that he and Mr. Icenhour attended in Pinehurst, N.C. recently.  Chairman Keever stated that one item mentioned during the seminar was the important role that educating citizens played in economic development so that citizens would be prepared for the jobs available.

Commissioner Bolick asked what steps an individual would need to take to establish a retail business in Alexander County.  Mr. Icenhour stated that he would be a good contact for someone interested in information and background of the county.  He also stated that Sylvia Turnmire, Director of Planning & Development, would be another good contact for information on zoning and permits. 

Commissioner Bolick asked if there were any future plans to include retail buildings on the County and Charlotte Regional Partnership websites.  Mr. Icenhour replied that any commercial, industrial, or retail property could be placed on either website.

Commissioner Robertson asked if the property pin number was listed on the County and Partnership’s website for each individual property in conjunction with the County GIS.   He felt that individuals could get a very good description of the property between the County website and GIS if a property pin number was available.  Mr. Icenhour replied that property pin numbers were currently not listed but he noted that those numbers could be included.

Commissioner Harbinson stated that Mr. Icenhour had been hired several years ago to work with the County.  He stated that some members of the Board saw skills and talent in Mr. Icenhour that they felt would benefit in the promotion of the County.  Commissioner Harbinson felt that Mr. Icenhour had set up an extremely effective economic development system through the County and Partnership’s websites and he also mentioned that Mr. Icenhour had been instrumental in the acquisition of the new state prison.  He also stated that one had to be aggressive and persevere to be successful and he felt that Mr. Icenhour would do just that.  Commissioner Harbinson conveyed his appreciation to Mr. Icenhour for his work with the County for the last several years.


Terry Foxx, Emergency Management Director, presented the proposed Alexander County Emergency Operations Plan for consideration.  Mr. Foxx stated that staff began revising the plan 2 years ago.

Mr. Foxx stated that the revision of the plan began during the move of his and several other offices which resulted in a delay of locating a complete copy of the plan.  He stated that the previous plan was in hard copy only and was not in electronic format.  At that time, Mr. Foxx began transferring the plan onto computer from the original document.  Mr. Foxx pointed out that during that process he presented the Incident Management Ordinance, Animal Response Plan, and Terrorism Plan to the Board for consideration.  He noted that those plans had been approved by the Board and were now a part of the revised Emergency Operations Plan.

Mr. Foxx stated that the proposed plan was now in electronic format and could be accessed through his County departmental webpage.  He also noted that certain individuals who would need access to the document would be given clearance with a user name and password, which would make the facilitation of annual updates easier.  Mr. Foxx stated that the Local Emergency Planning Committee had reviewed the proposed plan and made suggestions and corrections.  He also stated that the Town Council approved the plan at their meeting last week as they are part of the County Emergency Management System.

Mr. Foxx stated that federal grant funding in the amount of $6,065 had been used to help facilitate this plan.  He explained that the grant funding was on a reimbursable basis and he noted that the County would receive its reimbursement once the plan was approved. 

Commissioner Robertson felt that Alexander County was fortunate to have fire departments, a rescue squad, and citizens that took care of each other.  However, he pointed out one group that didn’t get recognized as much was the organizations that made their facilities available for use as emergency shelters.  Commissioner Robertson asked Mr. Foxx to develop a list of these organizations so that the Board may show their appreciation to them for their willingness to open their doors during times of crisis.

Mr. Foxx pointed out that there had only been one Red Cross shelter, located at East Taylorsville Baptist Church, in Alexander County 6 or 8 months ago.  He explained that he had met with Red Cross representatives recently to discuss the need for shelters, resulting in more shelters being located in the county.

Commissioner Bolick discussed the fact that the Town of Taylorsville had to adopt the plan as well.  He asked if the sole responsibility still remained with the County Emergency Management Director.  Mr. Foxx replied that the sole responsibility did, in fact, remain with the County Emergency Management Director.  He explained that N.C. general statutes stated the emergency management for municipalities, cities, and towns located inside a county would fall under that particular county’s Emergency Management guidelines.

Commissioner Harbinson made a motion to approve the Emergency Operations Plan as presented.   Commissioner Robertson seconded the motion.   The Board voted unanimously in favor of the motion.


Commissioner Harbinson informed the Board that he had submitted his resignation by letter dated June 14, 2004 to be effective August 2, 2004 at 12:00 Noon.  He stated that his reason for resigning was so that he could focus on his campaign for the N.C. House of Representatives, which he noted took up a tremendous amount of his time.  He felt that it was unfair to the citizens of Alexander County to have a commissioner who couldn’t devote the needed time to justly represent the position of commissioner and he felt that it was also unfair to his family to take quality time from them in order to serve as commissioner in addition to focusing on a campaign.

Commissioner Harbinson stated that being a commissioner had been the greatest honor to have bestowed upon him, other than being the father of 2 sons, and for that he was very appreciative.  Commissioner Harbinson stated that this honor included being elected by the people of the county to serve for 4 years and also being selected by the Democratic Party to serve out the term of David Odom who became Town Manager.

Commissioner Harbinson also appreciated the opportunity to serve with his fellow board members, including David Odom and John Watts who had become like brothers to him.  He stated that he and Chairman Keever had not agreed on all things but that they disagreed without being disagreeable.  He pointed out that every moment he served on the Board he had served with Commissioner Robertson.  He stated that when he first began his tenure as commissioner, he tried to find a reason to dislike Commissioner Robertson but just couldn’t.  He felt that he and Commissioner Robertson had come to respect each others opinions even when they disagreed with each other.  Commissioner Harbinson felt that Commissioner Bolick was the nicest person anyone could ever get to know and he stated that it had always been a pleasure serving with him.

Commissioner Harbinson stated that he had been invited to board the U.S.S. Cole 2 years ago by his brother-in-law, Kurt Barrett, who has served 18 years in the U.S. Navy and holds the position of Administrative Assistant to the U.S.S. Cole.  He explained that the U.S.S. Cole was one of the battleships attacked by Al Qaeda in October 2000, taking the lives of many U.S. soldiers.  He stated that during a recent visit from his brother-in-law, during the same time that he was considering resigning, he asked Commissioner Harbinson if there was anything he wished to have from the U.S.S. Cole.  Commissioner Harbinson informed the Board that he requested an American flag from the battleship, expecting to receive a 3 x 5 flag.  He stated that 2 weeks later he received a 9 x 17 American flag in the mail, complete with certificate stating that this particular flag had been flown at the top of the mast on the U.S.S. Cole on July 4, 2004.

Commissioner Harbinson mentioned that the Board had at one time discussed working with the Town to place a large flag on top of the water tank on Linney’s Mountain so that anyone coming into Taylorsville could see it.  He stated that he had been informed by Ben Hines, Register of Deeds, that there was no County flag pole that could accommodate a flag of such size.  Therefore, he announced that David Odom, Town Manager, was making arrangements to organize a fund raising drive to raise money to purchase a flag pole so that this flag could be placed on the water tank.  He also stated that Mr. Odom was researching the placement of flood lights at the site so citizens could still see the flag at night.  Commissioner Harbinson stated that this would be his farewell gift to the citizens of the county who were nice enough to let him serve, to his fellow commissioners whom he had enjoyed serving with, to his family and what they had meant to him, and to the veterans of the county that had served and were currently serving.  He also offered his last paycheck as county commissioner totaling $138.89 to go towards that fund raiser.

Commissioner Bolick stated that he had the privilege of serving with Commissioner Harbinson on 2 different boards.  He stated that he and Commissioner Harbinson were good friends even though they were from opposing parties.   He commented on Commissioner Harbinson’s resignation by stating that Commissioner Harbinson was not quitting government, but going a step further and he felt that Commissioner Harbinson would do everything he possibly could to help Alexander County if elected to the N.C. House of Representatives.  Commissioner Bolick wished Commissioner Harbinson the best of luck.

Commissioner Robertson stated that he and Commissioner Harbinson had agreed more than disagreed and he noted that they had always been able to see each others point even though they didn’t always agree with each other.  He agreed that they could disagree without being disagreeable.  Commissioner Robertson conveyed his appreciation to Commissioner Harbinson for his willingness to be of service to the County and he wished him the very best.

Commissioner Bolick made a motion to accept Commissioner Harbinson’s resignation.  Commissioner Robertson seconded the motion.  The Board voted unanimously in favor of the motion.


Chairman Keever informed the Board that a Voting Delegate needed to be designated for the NCACC Conference to be held August 19-21, 2004 in Asheville, N.C. 

Commissioner Robertson made a motion to nominate Chairman Keever to serve as the Voting Delegate.

Commissioner Harbinson asked if the Board would accept a Friendly Amendment to nominate Commissioner Hammer to serve as the alternate in the case that Chairman Keever was unable to serve.  The Board agreed to accept the Friendly Amendment.

Commissioner Robertson made a motion nominate Chairman Keever to serve as the Voting Delegate and Commissioner Hammer as the alternate.  Commissioner Bolick seconded the motion.  The Board voted unanimously in favor of the motion.


Rick French, County Manager, pointed out that Jamie Starnes, Clerk to the Board, had distributed some revised budget amendments earlier in the meeting.  He discussed the purpose of Budget Amendments #47 - #53, which included the following information:

Budget Amendment #47 – To budget for the Antioch Church Road Water Project.   To budget for moving an 8-inch line for DOT at Ellendale School.  To increase the budget for expenditures greater than original estimates.

Budget Amendment #48 – To budget a net increase of $1,212,482 in the expenditures in the General Fund.

Budget Amendment #49 – To budget a net increase of $37,493 in the expenditures in the Fire District Funds.

Budget Amendment #50 – To close out the Mitchell Gold Grant Project.

Budget Amendment #51 – To budget for the DSS addition project.

Budget Amendment #52 – To budget for the Auditorium / Field House project.

Budget Amendment #53 – To budget a net increase of $84,600 in the expenditures in the Solid Waste Fund and the Enterprise Capital Reserve Fund.

Mr. French stated that the purpose of these budget amendments was simple “housekeeping” of the budget and approval of items that had basically already been approved.  Mr. French stated that this was done at the last meeting each July to complete the budget for the year.

Commissioner Bolick asked what the difference was between the original budget amendments and the revised ones that had been distributed.  Mr. French pointed out a couple items including additional expenditures in the Sheriff’s medical supplies and an increase in expenditures for water project bills that had just been received.

Commissioner Harbinson asked what the change was for the Alexander Central debt service and asked if it was auditorium related.  Mr. French replied that the change was for the refinancing piece of Alexander Central that had already been approved.

Commissioner Robertson made a motion to approve Budget Amendments #47 - #53.  Commissioner Bolick seconded the motion.  The Board voted 3 in favor of the motion (Commissioners Bolick, Keever, and Robertson) and one against the motion (Commissioner Harbinson).  The motion carried.


Chairman Keever presented the following appointments and reappointments:


Appoint David Icenhour (to replace Keith Hertzler’s term expiring May 2005)

Appoint Judy Honeycutt

Reappoint Karen Hoyle

Reappoint Dane Whitworth


Appoint Angela Garrison

Appoint Bradley Earp

Appoint Susie Barkley

Appoint Brent Davis

Appoint Mark Odom

Reappoint Hal Bond

Reappoint Patti Foster

Reappoint Karen Hoyle

Reappoint Leeanne Whisnant

Reappoint Angela Johnson

Reappoint Terry Foxx

Reappoint Rick French

Reappoint Andrew Johnson

Reappoint Dr. Barry Redmond

Reappoint Tim Lackey

Reappoint William Hammer

Reappoint Dana Robertson

Reappoint Coy Walker

Reappoint Chris Fortner


Appoint Carol Crowgey            (ex-officio)

Commissioner Bolick made a motion to approve the appointments and reappointments for the WPCOG Workforce Development Board.  Commissioner Harbinson seconded the motion.  The Board voted unanimously in favor of the motion.

Commissioner Robertson made a motion to approve the appointments and reappointments for the Transportation Authority Advisory Board.  Commissioner Harbinson seconded the motion.  The Board voted unanimously in favor of the motion.

Commissioner Harbinson made a motion to approve the appointment for the Town of Taylorsville Board of Adjustments.  Commissioner Robertson seconded the motion.  The Board voted unanimously in favor of the motion.


Rick French, County Manager, presented a project budget ordinance for the N.C. Housing Trust Funds 2004 Urgent Repair Program.  Mr. French stated that approval of the project budget ordinance was needed to move forward with a $75,000 grant that had been received.

Commissioner Robertson asked if the stipulations for use of these funds had been established and if they were available.  Mr. French replied that the stipulations were established and he noted that he would get a copy to Commissioner Robertson.

Commissioner Bolick made a motion to approve the project budget ordinance.  Commissioner Robertson seconded the motion.  The Board voted unanimously in favor of the motion.


Rick French, County Manager, discussed the following issues during Other Business:

A.      The next step in the consolidated communications project is to order a new telephone system.  This is something that was discussed but not budgeted.  The cost of a new telephone system is $20,028.  Mr. French requested the Board’s approval to move forward with ordering the phone system and he noted that a budget amendment would be prepared for an upcoming meeting.

The Board agreed to allow staff to move forward with the telephone system purchase.

B.      Inspections, Permitting, and Planning & Zoning Offices were moved to the Old Wittenburg Elementary School on Thursday, July 22, 2004.  This move will provide more needed office space for the Health Department. 

C.      The County Garage is up and running.  Mr. French stated that about 30 County vehicles had been serviced.

D.      The Liledoun CDBG project was completed on July 12, 2004.  Mr. French stated that the final paperwork was being completed.

E.       The new air monitor should be installed this week.  Mr. French stated that the County had complied with all necessary actions to get the new monitor.

F.       The DSS expansion is underway.  Mr. French stated that the clearing and grading work was moving along nicely.

G.      Mr. French discussed fire department contracts and recommended that the same forms used last year be used again this year.

H.      Chairman Keever discussed the possibility of canceling the August 2, 2004 Commissioners’ Meeting since the July meeting was held at the end of the month.  Chairman Keever stated that the August 16, 2004 meeting would be held as scheduled.

Chairman Keever made a motion to cancel the August 2, 2004 Commissioners Meeting.  Commissioner Robertson seconded the motion.  The Board voted unanimously in favor of the motion.

I.         Commissioner Harbinson stated that he had left out thanking Rick French during his resignation speech.  Commissioner Harbinson thanked Mr. French for taking the position of County Manager several years ago.   He stated that the effort to hire Mr. French was bipartisan and he noted that Mr. French had done a fantastic job.  Commissioner Harbinson stated that he considered hiring Mr. French as County Manager to be the one thing that he accomplished on the Board with the greatest long-term interest of the County.


  1. Tax Release Requests for June $737.35 and Tax Refund Requests for June $463.19.
  2. Minutes from the June 7, 2004 Regular Commissioners’ Meeting and Minutes from the June 14, 2004 Special Called Meeting.
  3. Tax Administration Records Retention Schedule.
  4. Rescue Squad Agreement.

Commissioner Harbinson made a motion to approve the Consent Agenda.  Commissioner Robertson seconded the motion.  The Board voted unanimously in favor of the motion.


Chairman Keever made a motion to enter into Closed Session at 7:09 PM to prevent the disclosure of confidential information as well as to discuss contractual matters and personnel issues pursuant to N.C.G.S. 143-318.11(a)(1, 5, & 6).  Commissioner Harbinson seconded the motion.  The Board voted unanimously in favor of the motion.


There being no further business, Commissioner Bolick made a motion to adjourn at 9:10 PM.   Commissioner Robertson seconded the motion.   The Board voted unanimously in favor of the motion.



W. Norris Keever, Chairman         Jamie M. Starnes, Clerk to the Board