




December 1, 2003

PRESENT: W. Darrell Robertson, Chairman
William L. Hammer, Vice-Chairman
Wesley E. Bolick
Joel C. Harbinson
W. Norris Keever
STAFF: Rick French, County Manager
Jamie Millsaps, Clerk to the Board
David Icenhour, Human Resources Director
MEDIA: Gary Herman, The Taylorsville Times


The Alexander County Board of Commissioners held its regular meeting on Monday, December 1, 2003 in the Catawba Valley Community College / Alexander Center Multipurpose Room, Taylorsville, North Carolina.


Chairman Robertson called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM.


Rev. Keith Childers, Lebanon Baptist Church, gave the invocation and Allison Kerley, student at Taylorsville Elementary School, led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.


Commissioner Hammer made a motion to adopt the agenda as presented.  Commissioner Bolick seconded the motion.  The Board voted unanimously in favor of the motion.


Chairman Robertson requested any nominations for Chairman.

Commissioner Harbinson nominated Commissioner Hammer to serve as Chairman.  Commissioner Hammer declined stating that he had several upcoming personal commitments that would keep him from putting in the time and effort needed to serve as Chairman; however, Commissioner Hammer conveyed his appreciation for the opportunity.

Commissioner Hammer nominated Commissioner Keever to serve as Chairman.  Commissioner Keever accepted.

There being no further nominations, Commissioner Harbinson made a motion to close nominations and approve the election of Commissioner Keever as Chairman.    Commissioner Bolick seconded the motion.  The Board voted 4 in favor of the motion (Commissioners Bolick, Hammer, Harbinson, and Robertson) and one abstention (Commissioner Keever).  The motion carried.

Chairman Keever requested that Commissioner Robertson carry out the remainder of the meeting as Chairman.

Commissioner Harbinson stated that it had been a pleasure serving with Chairman Robertson since 1998.  Commissioner Harbinson stated that Chairman Robertson had always been pleasant to work with and he conveyed his appreciation to Chairman Robertson for an excellent job.

Commissioner Hammer stated that Chairman Robertson had done an excellent job serving as Chairman of the Board of Commissioners as well as Foothills Area Program Chairman.

Commissioner Keever conveyed his appreciation to Chairman Robertson for his leadershipand he noted that the average citizen did not realize the effort and dedication that Chairman Robertson had put into Foothills as well as the County.


Chairman Robertson requested any nominations for Vice-Chairman.

Commissioner Keever nominated Commissioner Hammer to continue to serve as Vice-Chairman.   Commissioner Hammer accepted.

There being no further nominations, Commissioner Bolick made a motion to close nominations and approve the election of Commissioner Hammer as Vice-Chairman.  Commissioner Harbinson seconded the motion.  The Board voted 4 in favor of the motion (Commissioners Bolick, Harbinson, Keever, and Robertson) and one abstention (Commissioner Hammer).  The motion carried.


Terry Foxx, Emergency Management Director / Animal Control Director, presented an update on the Communications Center Project, which included the following information:

Current Training Issues – Employee training files have been a work in progress through EMS to get them updated and to look at what each of them needed in order to maintain their current certifications.  A meeting was held between Mr. Foxx, the Fire Marshal, and the EMS Director to determine what amount of hours would be required for new hires.  The team determined that a 100-hour training period should be required of each new person hired into the 911 center.  Current staff was asked to make a list of all items they felt a new hire should master prior to being allowed to operate alone in the 911 center.  An evaluation list was formulated and distributed to the 2 recent part-time hires to begin their training process.

Future Training Issues – In looking ahead to the consolidation of the 2 centers, staff will not only be required to hold the Emergency Medical Dispatch (EMD) Certification but will be required to obtain a certification in Division of Criminal Information (DCI) and attend the Sheriffs Standards Telecommunicators Course.  The EMD is 24 hours, DCI is approximately 32 hours, and the Sheriffs Standards Telecommunicators Course is 40 hours.  The EMD course if fairly easy to obtain although it is only offered periodically through the years and is offered during normal business hours as well as on nights and weekends.  The DCI course is offered only through the N.C. Department of Justice – SBI Training Department at the local community college system.  The course is only offered during the week and at normal business hours, which poses a problem for part-time staff that has a primary job elsewhere.   The Telecommunicators course is offered through the community college system but not currently through CVCC.  CVCC is attempting to re-obtain their certification to be able to teach this program.  All personnel will need to complete all of the above training if they have not currently done so.

Communications Center Remodeling Project – In order to facilitate the new equipment and make the communications center more applicable to today’s needs, it will need to be redesigned.  The equipment room will need to be made larger.  This will require completely moving out one half of the current console to allow us to remove the current worn out carpet and replace it with tile.   The equipment room wall will be built in the area where the main half of the current console is now located.  A door and ceiling will need to be installed and an HVAC duct plumbed into the equipment room.  By making the equipment room larger all recording equipment which now is located in the main part of the communications center will be able to be placed there.  Staff was asked to chose the setup which they felt would work best based on their experience.  The proposed setup will include a 2-position communications center.  Watson Dispatch Furniture will provide the necessary console furniture to construct the layout.

Console – The current 25 plus year old console will be replaced by a new modern computer based system.  The system is the Motorola MCC 5500, which is a Microsoft Windows based application featuring all the necessary features to fulfill our communications needs for many years to come.  This will be made much easier by simplifying installing product software upgrades.  There will be 2 positions located in the 911 center and one complete position located in the Sheriff’s Office.

911 Switch and Phone System – The current equipment will be replaced with a CML RescueSTAR 911 Switch.   It will support up to 10 incoming 911 trunks and 6 911 positions.  This system can operate as a stand alone system or be networked together.  Sentinel 9-1-1 software version 5.0 will be recommended for the public safety answering point software.  The current 911 phone system and the system located in the Sheriff’s Office are not compatible.  Mr. Foxx has met with the phone vendor and the Sheriff in regards to a solution to both needs.  A Norstar ICS Phone System has been selected, which will fully integrate with the planned 911 system upgrade and will be compatible with the needs of the Sheriff in his various office locations, including the jail and the criminal investigation division. 

CAD System and Mapping – The CAD (Computer Aided Dispatch) and the MicroData Mapping system has not been selected for review as of this time but of the solutions we have looked at, we are leaning more toward the OSSI (Open Software Solutions Inc.)  This is the current software the Sheriff is using for his pistol records management and it would make it very easy for him to pull any needed or necessary information from the 911 system.  It would be very compatible with the entire consolidation and upgrade project.

Miscellaneous – The remainder of the project would be the upgrading of the printers, books, and manuals currently in the center.  This would tie into and complete the system.

Project Status – The current status of progress is mostly in the pricing phase of the project.   As soon the final pricing and package information can be obtained, a work session will need to be held to discuss all the options and get final approval to begin the construction phase of the project.  According to the information staff is getting from the vendor, from delivery of the purchase order until completion is approximately 4-6 months.  During the time we are awaiting the arrival of the equipment we will begin the process of remodeling the center, installing the phone system, and getting the employees the necessary training.

Commissioner Hammer asked if any more discussion had taken place regarding locking the door leading into the Sheriff’s Office / Jail after hours and using cameras to control entrance into the building or allowing entrance through the double doors.  Hayden Bentley, Sheriff, explained that currently the double doors leading into the main lobby were locked after hours and the small door at the Sheriff’s Office / Jail remained open since the console was located in that area.  Mr. Bentley stated that moving the console and equipment to the lobby area would be a tremendous expense.

Commissioner Keever stated that his concern was the security of the courthouse and suggested looking into the placement of metal detectors.  Sheriff Bentley stated that there were grant funds available through Homeland Security for metal detectors; however, he noted that the metal detectors would have to be manned by deputies, which would mean additional funding for salaries.

Commissioner Harbinson stated that he was concerned with locking the door leading into the Sheriff’s Office / Jail and allowing the console operator to control the door with an automated system and camera.  Commissioner Harbinson stated that this could cause a problem if someone had an emergency and needed to get into the Sheriff’s Office immediately.  Sheriff Bentley agreed with Commissioner Harbinson and he stated that he felt that one door needed to remain open at all times for that reason.

Commissioner Keever suggested placing metal detectors in the entry way to the Sheriff’s Office if a door was to be left open at all times to be manned by a deputy already in the jail.  Commissioner Keever suggested looking into the matter to later determine what options were available.  

Commissioner Bolick suggested also investigating not only security for people coming into the Sheriff’s Office but also the issue of getting employees and inmates out in the case of a fire or other emergency.  Sheriff Bentley informed the Board that staff was looking into a Smoke Vac System for the jail at the present time.


Rick French, County Manager, discussed the purpose of Budget Amendment #17, which included the following information:

Budget Amendment #17 – To provide for additional revenues due to a Homeland Security Grant.

Commissioner Hammer made a motion to approve Budget Amendment #17.  Commissioner Keever seconded the motion.  The Board voted unanimously in favor of the motion.


Commissioner Hammer recommended that Gary Bebber and Nancy Coley be reappointed to the Library Board of Trustees for 3-year terms.  Commissioner Hammer also recommended that Phyllis Little be appointed to the Library Board of Trustees to replace Ruth Ledbetter who was not eligible to serve an additional term.

Commissioner Hammer made a motion to approve the appointments and reappointments as presented.   Commissioner Harbinson seconded the motion.   The Board voted unanimously in favor of the motion.


Rick French, County Manager, discussed the following issues:

A.      The County Employee’s Appreciation Luncheon is scheduled for December 5, 2003 at the Senior Center.  Mr. French stated that there would be 2 settings again as before:  11:30 AM – 12:30 PM and then 12:30 PM – 1:30 PM.

B.       Staff received a letter today from United States Senator Elizabeth Dole regarding a federal funding seminar to be held on December 11, 2003 concerning community and economic development federal programs.  Mr. French stated that the Board was invited to attend and he noted that he and David Icenhour, Human Resources Director, planned to attend the seminar. 

C.      Mr. French informed the Board that a second meeting would not need to be held this month.

D.      Sheriff Hayden Bentley and Mr. French met earlier this week to discuss Senate Bill 919 Homicide Prevention Act / Domestic Violence.  This law requires defendants who are subject to a domestic violence order to surrender all firearms to the Sheriff.  This could cause some concern for proper storage.  Mr. French stated that an update would be provided at a future meeting.


A.        Tax Release Requests for November $1,366.81 and Tax Refund Requests for November $498.26.

B.         Minutes from November 3, 2003 Regular Commissioners’ Meeting.

Commissioner Keever made a motion to approve the Consent Agenda.  Commissioner Hammer seconded the motion.  The Board voted unanimously in favor of the motion.


Commissioner Hammer made a motion to enter into Closed Session at 6:57 PM to discuss contractual matters and personnel issues pursuant to N.C.G.S. 143-318.11(a)(5 & 6).  Commissioner Keever seconded the motion.  The Board voted unanimously in favor of the motion.


Upon returning to Open Session, Commissioner Keever made a motion to amend the contract between Alexander County and Winstead Architecture to allow Stan Winstead to proceed with discussed modifications to the Social Services Building expansion.  Commissioner Hammer seconded the motion.  The Board voted unanimously in favor of the motion.


There being no further business, Commissioner Hammer made a motion to adjourn at 6:57 PM.   Commissioner Bolick seconded the motion.   The Board voted unanimously in favor of the motion.



W. Darrell Robertson, Chairman         Jamie C. Millsaps, Clerk to the Board