March 24, 2003
The Alexander County Board of Commissioners held a Special Called Meeting on Monday, March 24, 2003 in the Commissioners Room of the Alexander County Courthouse, Taylorsville, North Carolina. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Robertson called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM. INVOCATION AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Commissioner Odom gave the invocation and Jake Morris, grandson of Commissioner Bolick, led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. ADOPTION OF AGENDA Chairman Robertson informed the Board that Commissioner Hammer had some comments to be made during Other Business. Chairman Robertson also requested recognition and praise of our troops during Other Business. Commissioner Hammer made a motion to adopt the agenda as amended. Commissioner Keever seconded the motion. The Board voted unanimously in favor of the motion. PUBLIC HEARING: BETHLEHEM SEWER DISTRICT Chairman Robertson stated that the Board, in accordance with the requirements for the application for the Rural Center grant, would hold 3 meetings. The first meeting as the Alexander County Board of Commissioners to conduct the public hearing for the Bethlehem Sewer District. The second meeting as the Alexander County Board of Commissioners to create the sewer district and the rate structure. The third meeting as the Bethlehem Sewer District Board of Directors to approve the Resolution Authorizing the Unsewered Communities Grant Application, the Resolution Creating and Establishing a Capital Reserve Fund, the Resolution Adopting the Water Conservation Plan, and the Resolution adopting the CIP. Andy Lovingood, P.E. McGill Associates, presented a map which showed the boundaries for the proposed Bethlehem Sewer District. Mr. Lovingood stated that the boundaries were established based on the need for sewer, information provided by County and Health Department staff, and guidelines required for the Rural Center funding. Mr. Lovingood stated that the Rural Center required the proposed area to be under the 90% national average for medium household income and he noted that the proposed district was at 89.3%. Mr. Lovingood also noted that the Rural Center required the proposed area to have a population of less than 5,000. The proposed district has a population of approximately 1,723. Mr. Lovingood mentioned that the lower Rink Dam Road area was part of the Hickory Urban Area which was ineligible to benefit from the project and was therefore not included in the proposed district. Mr. Lovingood stated that staff completed 75 onsite surveys and found many failing septic system caused by shallow soils, rock, sloped properties, older homes with more usage, etc. Chairman Robertson asked exactly how many failing systems staff found. Mike Apke, P.E. McGill Associates, replied that staff located 7 failing systems and 2 systems that were questionable. Mr. Apke also noted that staff had spoken with 22 property owners who stated that they had had periodic problems with their septic systems. Mr. Lovingood informed the Board that Alexander County would be applying for the $3 million Rural Center grant which would require a 10.1% match. This grant would pay for Phase I of the Bethlehem sewer project which would result in a main trunk line structure, or the foundation, of the entire project. Phase II and Phase II will be completed at a later date as funds are available. Chairman Robertson called the public hearing to order and requested any public comment. Public Comment
Mr. Lovingood noted that Mr. Knodes property was in the Phase II portion of the sewer project. Commissioner Bolick projected a time line of 8 to 10 years to complete the entire sewer system. Mr. Lovingood agreed. There being no further public comment, Commissioner Odom made a motion to close the public hearing. Commissioner Hammer seconded the motion. The Board voted unanimously in favor of the motion. ADJOURNMENT Commissioner Keever made a motion to adjourn from the first of 3 meetings for the Bethlehem Sewer District at 6:22 PM and to immediately reconvene in the second meeting. Commissioner Hammer seconded the motion. The Board voted unanimously in favor of the motion.
W. Darrell Robertson, Chairman Jamie C. Millsaps, Clerk to the Board |
March 24, 2003
The Alexander County Board of Commissioners held the second part of the Special Called Meeting at 6:23 PM on Monday, March 24, 2003 in the Commissioners Room of the Alexander County Courthouse, Taylorsville, North Carolina. CREATION OF THE BETHLEHEM SEWER DISTRICT AND RATE STRUCTURE Chairman Robertson presented the Resolution to Create the Bethlehem Sewer District and proposed sewer rates which included $4.00 per thousand gallons and a $21.50 minimum fixed charge. The Board agreed to serve as the Bethlehem Sewer District Board of Directors. Commissioner Bolick made a motion to approve the Resolution to Create the Bethlehem Sewer District and the Rate Structure as proposed. Commissioner Keever seconded the motion. The Board voted unanimously in favor of the motion. PURCHASE OF WATER CAPACITY CITY OF HICKORY Rick French, County Manager, recommended that the Board move forward with the purchase of 1 million gallons of water capacity in the City of Hickory water plant. Mr. French stated that Martin Reidinger, Attorney from Asheville, and staff was working on the draft agreements for EnergyUnited and the Town of Taylorsville. Mr. French discussed the draft agreement between Alexander County and the City of Hickory which included a payment schedule of 25 years at 5% interest. Mr. French also distributed an amortization schedule which was based on information received from the City of Hickory. The cost of capacity is $1.52 per gallon and the deadline for the purchase is April 1, 2003. Commissioner Odom asked what the residential rate would be adjusted to. Mr. French replied that the residential rate would change in July 2003 and would depend on actions of the bulk customers (how much water purchased and at what rate). Commissioner Keever made a motion to approve the purchase of 1 million gallons of capacity in the City of Hickory water plant. Commissioner Hammer seconded the motion. The Board voted 4 in favor of the motion (Commissioners Bolick, Hammer, Keever, and Robertson) and one against the motion (Commissioner Odom). The motion carried. REVIEW OF THE 2002-2003 BUDGET Jennifer Herman, Finance Officer, discussed the status of the 2002-2003 budget as of February 28, 2003 which included the following information:
Commissioner Bolick conveyed his appreciation to Ms. Herman, Mr. French, and all County employees for working together during this budget crisis and striving to make the best out of the situation. OTHER BUSINESS The following issues were discussed during Other Business:
ADJOURNMENT Commissioner Hammer made a motion to adjourn from the second of 3 meetings for the Bethlehem Sewer District at 6:54 PM and to immediately reconvene in the third meeting as the Bethlehem Sewer District Board of Directors. Commissioner Bolick seconded the motion. The Board voted unanimously in favor of the motion.
W. Darrell Robertson, Chairman Jamie C. Millsaps, Clerk to the Board |
March 24, 2003
The Bethlehem Sewer District Board of Directors held the third part of the Special Called Meeting at 6:55 PM on Monday, March 24, 2003 in the Commissioners Room of the Alexander County Courthouse, Taylorsville, North Carolina. BETHLEHEM SEWER DISTRICT RURAL CENTER GRANT Chairman Robertson stated that the Board of Directors needed to perform 4 duties during the meeting which included approving the Resolution Authorizing the Unsewered Communities Grant Application, adopting the Resolution Creating and Establishing a Capital Reserve Fund, approving the Resolution Adopting the Water Conservation Plan, and approving the Resolution adopting the CIP. Commissioner Bolick made a motion to approve the Resolution Authorizing the Unsewered Communities Grant Application. Commissioner Hammer seconded the motion. The Board voted unanimously in favor of the motion. Commissioner Bolick made a motion to approve the Resolution Creating and Establishing a Capital Reserve Fund. Commissioner Odom seconded the motion. The Board voted unanimously in favor of the motion. Commissioner Keever made a motion to approve the Resolution Adopting the Water Conservation Plan. Commissioner Hammer seconded the motion. The Board voted unanimously in favor of the motion. Commissioner Odom made a motion to approve the Resolution Adopting the Capital Improvement Plan (CIP). Commissioner Bolick seconded the motion. The Board voted unanimously in favor of the motion. ADJOURNMENT OF BETHLEHEM SEWER DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING Commissioner Keever made a motion to adjourn the meeting of the Bethlehem Sewer District Board of Directors at 6:58 PM. Commissioner Hammer seconded the motion. The Board voted unanimously in favor of the motion. CLOSED SESSION N.C.G.S. 143-318.11(a)(5) CONTRACTUAL Commissioner Keever made a motion to enter into Closed Session at 6:59 PM to discuss contractual matters pursuant to N.C.G.S. 143-318.11(a)(5). Commissioner Hammer seconded the motion. The Board voted unanimously in favor of the motion. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Commissioner Odom made a motion to adjourn at 7:45 PM. Commissioner Keever seconded the motion. The Board voted unanimously in favor of the motion.
W. Darrell Robertson, Chairman Jamie C. Millsaps, Clerk to the Board |