




June 20, 2000

PRESENT: John F. Watts, Chairman
David Odom, Vice Chairman
Wesley Bolick
Joel C. Harbinson
Darrell Robertson
STAFF: Rick French, County Manager
Ed Hedrick, County Attorney
Jamie Millsaps, Clerk to the Board


The Alexander County Board of Commissioners held a meeting on June 20, 2000 in the Commissioner's Room in the Alexander County Courthouse, Taylorsville, North Carolina.

Chairman Watts called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

Helen P. Anthony gave the invocation and Chairman Watts led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.


Chairman Watts gave the Chairman's report which included:

    1. Dennis Wahlers, Forest Ranger, submitted a letter informing the Board of Commissioners of accomplishments during the past year. The letter discussed Forest Protection, Forest Management, and Information & Education.
    2. Robert E. Hibbits, Chairman Catawba Board of Commissioners, submitted a letter to Chairman Watts. The letter urges local government to demand that the General Assembly grant local decision-making authority regarding how locally provided services are financed, and how growing mandates of state and federal governments are met. Commissioner Robertson stated that he agreed with Catawba County's viewpoint and felt Alexander County should also make a demand to the General Assembly. Chairman Watts pointed out that this Board was already on record unanimously in support of a local sales tax option and potential menu of other revenue sources.
    3. Kaye Foxx submitted a letter to Commissioner Harbinson regarding the Hospital helipad. Ms. Foxx states in her letter that the helipad is in desperate need of repair. The lights are inoperable, painted lines are peeling, and the trees need to be trimmed for better visibility. Commissioner Odom stated that the improvements are currently being made to the helipad.
    4. Monthly reports for the following departments were included: Emergency Management, EMS, Fire Marshal, Library, Cooperative Extension, Register of Deeds, Sheriff's Office, Veterans Office. Chairman Watts also informed the Board that Russell Greene, Fire Marshal, is in the process of implementing the Risk Watch program for Alexander County schools. Brochures will be available soon.


Commissioner Odom made a motion to adopt the agenda as presented and to add Budget Adjustment #46. Commissioner Bolick seconded the motion. The Board voted unanimously in favor of the motion.


Sylvia Turnmire, Director of Planning and Development, conducted a public hearing for Rezoning Case 00-3 requesting rezoning from R-20 Residential to RA-20 Residential Agriculture. The property owner is Hoyle Miller and is located off Hubbard Road, Tax ID# A-11-C-61. The property consists of two 100 feet by 200 feet lots and currently has a nonconforming manufactured home located on the property. A petition was presented to the Board with the rezoning information. Ms. Turnmire stated that Mr. Hoyle's request was brought before the Board and denied in 1998. Staff and the Planning and Zoning Commission recommends denial of the rezoning request.

Hoyle Miller presented the Board with a map of the property. Mr. Miller stated that the family house is being sold and he and son will need to establish other residency. Mr. Miller stated that he may be getting married in the future and would like to provide a nice residence for he and his wife. Mr. Miller assured the Board that the property would not be converted to a trailer park.

Mrs. Elmer Sipe stated that she owned adjoining property to Mr. Miller. Mrs. Sipe stated that the property is located near a cemetary and is very quiet and peaceful and she would like to keep it that way. Mrs. Sipe also stated that her children and grandchildren would like to build in the area in the future and is against the property being rezoned.

Mark Robbins presented a letter to the Board from an adjoining property owner. Mr. Robbins stated that he is against the rezoning of Mr. Miller's property because it will make adjoining property values go down.

Melvin Bolick stated that he started the petition to request rezoning of Mr. Miller's property. Mr. Bolick stated that he had consulted with all adjoining property owners and the majority of them are in favor of the rezoning.

Commissioner Odom inquired about putting a modular home on the property. Ms. Turnmire stated that a modular home could be put on the property without being rezoned because modular homes fall under the NC Building Code Law.

There being no further discussion, Commissioner Odom made a motion to close the public hearing. Commissioner Bolick seconded the motion. The Board voted unanimously in favor of the motion.

Commissioner Bolick made a motion to deny Rezoning Case 00-3. Commissioner Odom seconded the motion. The Board voted unanimously in favor of the motion.


Sylvia Turnmire, Director of Planning and Development, conducted the public hearing for approval of Text Amendment 00-3. Ms. Turnmire stated that in the past several months, the placement of homes within subdivisions has become a controversial issue. In some cases, it is not feasible for the home to be placed parallel to the street due to topographical constraints. Also, there are many homes that are to be placed in subdivisions prior to the adoption date of this ordinance that have already received the environmental health approval to set the home in a specific manner. The Planning & Zoning Commission recommends revising the ordinance to be read as follows:

All homes in subdivisions recorded after the effective date of this ordinance shall be placed with the front of the home running parallel to the street providing access to the site. On cul-de-sacs, the home shall be sited with the front of the home being parallel to the street frontage. Where the home cannot feasibly be placed parallel to the street due to topographical constraints, the Code Enforcement Officer may exempt the applicant from that requirement.

There being no further discussion, Commissioner Odom made a motion to close the public hearing. Commissioner Bolick seconded the motion. The Board voted unanimously in favor of the motion.

Commissioner Robertson made a motion to approve Text Amendment 00-3. Commissioner Harbinson seconded the motion. The Board voted unanimously in favor of the motion.


Sylvia Turnmire, Director of Planning and Development, presented the Board with the proposed Subdivision Regulations. Several revisions have been made since the May 4th joint work session between the Board of Commissioners and the Planning and Zoning Commission.

Connie Killian, Planning and Zoning Commission Chairperson, approached the Board and stated that she was very pleased with the work the Planning and Zoning Commission had done on the Subdivision Regulations. Ms. Killian stated that the Planning & Zoning Commission has worked on the Subdivision Regulations for 2 1/2 years and feels that they are now ready for approval.

The Board unanimously commended the Planning and Zoning Commission for their hard work on the Subdivision Regulations. Commissioner Odom stated that he was pleased with the proposed Subdivision Regulations and pointed out a particular item on Page 22 that states all 6" water lines must have a fire hydrant installed which will save residents on homeowner's insurance and make neighborhoods safer. Commissioner Robertson stated that he would like to see all state codes and standards in the appendix of the regulations so when a title changes, the ordinance will not have to be completely revised. Commissioner Harbinson stated that after approval, the Subdivision Regulations will have to be "fine tuned" and the Board is open for suggestions

Commissioner Bolick made a motion to approve the Subdivision Regulations and put them into effect August 1, 2000. Commissioner Odom seconded the motion. The Board voted unanimously in favor of the motion.


Rick French, County Manager, presented the Board with the Budget Ordinance for 2000-2001. The 2000-2001 budget total $21,219,449 resulting in a 6 cent tax increase for Alexander County.

Commissioner Robertson, as well as all Commissioners, stated that he was appreciative of the County staff who put the budget together. Commissioner Robertson stated that he had found $958,000 in items that he would have liked the Board to review for reductions and stated that each department would have to live within their means. Commissioner Robertson stated that he was uncertain about the next budget year and had therefore considered reducing the hospital and school appropriations significantly. He stated that the budget year will be very restrained, the fund balance will be greatly depleted, and suggested moving capital expenditures.

Commissioner Harbinson addressed Commissioner Robertson regarding the major purchases the outgoing commissioners made in November 1998 before Commissioners Watts, Harbinson, and Odom came on board. Commissioner Harbinson stated that it seemed to him that Commissioner Robertson wasn't concerned about the fund balance when they spent $1.9 million in 45 minutes. Commissioner Harbinson then addressed Commissioner Bolick about the "loophole" that was discussed during the June 6th Commissioner's meeting. Commissioner Bolick stated then that he felt the County found a "loophole" to help the Hospital and felt the people should have voted on it. Commissioner Harbinson stated that he felt the people should have voted on the purchase of the Dayton property and the spending of $1.9 million. Commissioner Harbinson stated that even with the tax increase, Alexander County is still below the state average. Commissioner Harbinson also stated that he felt that the current Board of Commissioners has done and is in the process of doing many things for Alexander County such as county-wide water, new parks, zoning, eliminating trash taxes, new animal shelter, people's agenda, prison property, saving the hospital, new and improved schools which will result in keeping our children safer, providing better education, and providing better, higher paying jobs for them in the future. Commissioner Harbinson also stated that reducing line items in departmental budgets as drastically as Commissioner Robertson did was arbitrary. Commissioner Harbinson presented Commissioner Robertson with a million dollar bill, stating that it was as real as Commissioner Robertson's budget cuts.

Commissioner Odom stated that he would rather not have a tax increase, but in order for the County to be progressive, move forward and have what is needed, a tax increase must be implemented. The County needs new and improved schools and needs a hospital. Commissioner Odom stated that the Hospital situation was unexpected but felt that the County should help out as much as possible in their time of need since the Hospital had made it 50 years without asking for a dime and has cared for so many others in their time of need. Commissioner Odom referred to the sign at the Hospital stating that they will care for you no matter what gender, color, or financial status and do not discriminate. Commissioner Odom added some other services that has been provided or improved since the current Board took office: additional deputies at night, better equipped fire departments and E911 service, Economic Development, etc. Commissioner Odom stated that in order to fill everyone's requests, taxes must be raised. He also stated that the County could progress and have better schools, better jobs, water, a hospital that provides great care or the County can stay the same and not extend water lines, continued use of schools built in the 1930's, have no local emergency care.

Commissioner Bolick addressed Commissioner Harbinson's comments stating that the current Board purchased prison property that the State should've bought and purchased 17 new Sheriff cars because a wheel fell off a Sheriff's car in the presence of a Commissioner. Commissioner Bolick also stated that the Hospital and the School System are getting a bad reputation for overspending when he felt that the County was overspending. Commissioner Bolick stated that he agreed that the Board was spending and then taxing and that is why he is against this budget.

Chairman Watts stated that he did not share the gloom and doom attitude about the budget that Commissioners Bolick and Robertson had. Chairman Watts stated that the Sheriff's cars were leased instead of bought which saved the County $25,000. After the cars are leased for 3 years, they can be bought for a total of $1.00 each and then be sold to make a profit. Chairman Watts stated that the County needed to move forward and that people tended to be afraid of change, but that change is what it is going to take to better the County and all communities. Chairman Watts stated that the fund balance will be watched carefully.

Commissioner Harbinson made a motion to approve the 2000-2001 Budget Ordinance. Commissioner Odom seconded the motion. The Board voted three for the motion (Commissioners Watts, Harbinson, and Odom) and two against the motion (Commissioners Bolick and Robertson). The motion carried.


Landon Barefoot, Charter Communications, gave an update on Charter Communications cable. The update was scheduled for the June 6, 2000 Commissioner's meeting but Mr. Barefoot was unable to attend due to the birth of his twin daughters. Mr. Barefoot stated that the cable upgrade has already begun. Approximately 20 percent of the service area has been upgraded. The upgrade should be completed by October 1, 2000. The upgrade consists of 25-30 new channels. Mr. Barefoot stated that Wittenburg and Ellendale schools have no cable at the present time, but Charter hopes to have cable installed by August 7, 2000 and are positive that they will have it installed by October 1, 2000. A channel lineup was distributed.

Charter Communications is also offering several new services. Digital cable is available as well as a new two-way built in modem for the television set to access the Internet which will be available during the last quarter of the year. Charter will be the Internet Service Provider. New packages are available such as the MVP Premium upgrade which is a step up from the Premium package. With the MVP Premium package you will receive 24 additional channels at no extra charge. There will be a $6.95 charge monthly for the cable box.

Chairman Watts requested a map of the service area for Alexander County. Mr. Barefoot stated that Charter had a system design print at this time. A map is in progress. Commissioner Bolick stated that he had received several complaints in the past regarding Charter Communications service but has not recently. Mr. Barefoot stated that their service has improved tremendously. The Board was informed that service men will leave a hanger on customers front door informing them of when Charter will be in the area and when interruptions will occur.

Commissioner Robertson inquired about the progress of the road clean-up that was discussed at the May 2, 2000 Commissioner's meeting. It was stated that Charter had been informed of the problem and was taking steps to follow through with the clean-up.


Ed Hedrick, County Attorney, presented the Board with the Alexander Community Hospital Property Lease. Mr. Hedrick stated that the lease was revised during the hours before the Commissioner's meeting. The Board found a few items within the lease that needed to be changed. The lease will need to be forwarded to the LGC before June 30, 2000. The Board instructed Lee Sharpe, Hospital Board Chairman, to notify BB&T of the lease and revisions.

Commissioner Harbinson made a motion to approve the lease subject to the changes noted and notification of BB&T. Commissioner Odom seconded the motion. The Board voted unanimously in favor of the motion.


Roger Brown, Board of Education Chairman, and Dr. Wylie Doby, Superintendent, unexpectedly approached the Board regarding the Alexander Central and Ellendale School projects. Mr. Brown stated that they are over budget in beginning these projects and would like an immediate, formal approval from the County for appropriation of funds.

Chairman Watts stated that they could not give an immediate approval. Rick French, County Manager, will need concrete figures for the projects to present to the LGC for approval so the 1/2 cent sales tax monies can be released.

Mr. Brown introduced Atilla Orkan who is the contracted architect for the projects. Mr. Orkan stated that bids for Ellendale will begin on August 1, 2000 and bids should be received by the end of August. Mr. French stated that the cost information for Ellendale will need to be received as soon as possible to be presented to LGC in mid June and then voted on in August. Bids for Alexander Central were received June 15, 2000.

Commissioner Robertson made a motion to table this item and for the Board of Commissioners and the Board of Education extend this meeting and discussion until Tuesday, June 27, 2000 at 7:30 p.m. in the Commissioner's Room. Commissioner Harbinson seconded the motion. The Board voted unanimously in favor of the motion.


Jerry Twiggs, West and Associates, presented the contract for engineering services for Ellendale School. This contract is for a pumping station for the new Ellendale School. The package includes a 23,000 square foot force main, a pump line, and no gravity connections. Others in the community may hook on if they purchase a pump station tie-in. The pumping station will provide approximately 12 gallons per students.

Commissioner Harbinson stated that this item would be included with the Board of Education projects and should be discussed at the June 27th meeting. Commissioner Robertson stated that Mr. Twiggs would not be required to attend.

Commissioner Harbinson made a motion to table this item until the June 27th meeting. Commissioner Robertson seconded the motion. The Board voted unanimously in favor of the motion.


Corey Teague, Building Development Coordinator, presented to the Board a request from Bill Holman, Secretary of the NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources, for Alexander County to state its views regarding pending legislation of riparian buffers in the Catawba River Basin. Mr. Holman will use all counties' comments to formulate a recommendation to the NC Environmental Management Commission on July 13, 2000. Mr. Teague read the list of questions included in the request and stated that comments are requested by July 3, 2000.

Commissioner Robertson stated that the Neuse River Regulations were involved in this situation and felt that they weren't needed in the Catawba River area. Commissioner Robertson instructed Mr. Teague to contact Catawba for information for the June 27, 2000 agenda.

Commissioner Harbinson made a motion to table this item until the June 27th meeting. Commissioner Robertson seconded the motion. The Board voted unanimously in favor of the motion.


  1. Home & Community Block Grant
  2. Budget Amendment #43 (Revised) and #44 (Revised) (Please note that these budget amendments are to replace the #43 and #44 that was adopted on June 6, 2000).
  3. Minutes for May 30, 2000 Work Session

Commissioner Odom made a motion to approve the Consent Agenda. Commissioner Harbinson seconded the motion. The Board voted unanimously in favor of the motion.



Commissioner Harbinson made a motion to adjourn and reconvene in Closed Session at 9:15 p.m. Commissioner Robertson seconded the motion. The Board voted unanimously in favor of the motion.



John F. Watts, Chairman           Jamie C. Millsaps, Clerk to the Board