January 4, 2000
The Alexander County Board of Commissioners held their monthly meeting on Tuesday, January 4, 2001 in the Commissioners' Room in the Alexander County Courthouse, Taylorville, North Carolina. PEOPLES' AGENDA Chairman John Watts called the Peoples Agenda to order at approximately 6:45 P.M. Several citizens from the Vashti Community stated their concerns about the lack of water in the four five mile area near Fairview Baptist Church. The speakers were Darrell Wike, Mary Wike, Nathan Roseman, Bobby Millsaps, Susan Bradshaw, and Lucy Patterson. Questions asked included the process for getting the county to install water, why grants had been denied, and other options? The Commissioners stated that grants have been denied due to the low number of potential users and state funds allocated to the eastern areas of the state. The community should submit a petition and write letters to our state representatives. The Commissioners also recommended that the citizens should meet with the County Manager to get more details and possibly make some plans for future grant assistance. REGULAR MEETING Chairman John Watts called the regular meeting was called to order at 7:10 P.M. Rev. Horace Moree gave the Invocation. Vice Chairman, David Odom led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. CHAIRMAN'S REPORT Chairman Watts gave the Chairmans Report, which included:
ADOPTION OF AGENDA Chairman Watts noted a request to move Item # 6 to be first on the Agenda. Commissioner Harbinson made the motion and Vice Chairman Odom seconded the motion to adopt the Agenda as amended. The Board voted unanimously in favor of the motion. REGULAR MEETING ALEXANDER COUNTY FIRE PREVENTION & PROTECTION ORDINANCE Russell Greene, Fire Marshall presented a proposed Alexander County Fire Prevention and Protection Ordinance, which is consistent with N.C. regulations and codes that will enforced by the Fire Marshall office. (Attachment #1) After some discussion, Commissioner Harbinson made a motion to adopt the Fire Prevention and Protection Ordinance and Commissioner Odom seconded the motion. The Board of Commissioners voted three, Odom, Harbinson, and Watts, to adopt the Ordinance with two Commissioners, Robertson and Bolick opposing the Ordinance. ALEXANDER COUNTY AUDIT REPORT 1998 1999 FISCAL YEAR Ms. Jennifer Moree, representing Martin Starnes & Associates accounting firm, presented a brief audit summary of the 1998 1999 fiscal year. Mr. Brian Starnes presented a detailed report at the December 28, 1999, Work Session of the Commissioners. (Attachment #2) Alexander County General Fund June 30, 1999 Cash on hand $ 4,732,340.00 Fund Balance $ 6,173,949.00 General fund expenditures $ 21,121,695.00 Fund balance as a percent of expenditures is 29%. We are required to maintain 8% and the average for a similar county is 20%. Change in fund balance for 1999 $ (49,082) Change in fund balance for 1998 $ 835,838 General Long Term Debt Year 2000 $ 75,268 Year 2001 $ 70,648 Upon a motion by Commissioner Bolick and seconded by Commissioner Robertson, the Board voted unanimously to adopt the Budget Audit Report. PUBLIC HEARING REZONING CASE 99-5 Cory Teague, Alexander County Planning Board presented a proposed rezoning of 24.5 acres from RA-20 Residential Agricultural to H-C Highway Commercial, which is located off Telephone Road and currently vacant. This property falls into the "Urban Transition" area in the Land Development Plan. During the Public Hearing, Ms. Lou Bolick presented a list of questions to the Commissioners, the Planning Board, and Mr. Moretz. Mr. Latt Moretz stated the rezoning would help Alexander County grow. Mr. Larry Bolick stated concerns of an environmental impact study and erosion of land to other adjacent developments. This issue would be addressed by state and federal environmental laws. Mr. Moretz agreed to work with the community on safety concerns and has employed an engineer to assist with environmental plans. Commissioner Harbinson made a motion to close the Public Hearing. Commissioner Odom seconded the motion. The Board voted unanimously in favor of the motion. Commissioner Harbinson made a motion to adopt Rezoning Case 99-5 and Commissioner Odom seconded the motion. The Board voted unanimously in favor of the motion. PUBLIC HEARING TEXT AMENDMENT 99-5 Sylvia Turnmire, County Planning Director presented the revisions to the Watershed Map and requested revisions to the Watershed Protection Ordinance amendment. The Commissioners expressed concern that Alexander County would be the most severely impacted of the 3 affected counties (Alexander, Catawba, and Iredell) and had received no consideration due to this impact. Commissioner Harbinson made a motion that the Board of Commissioners do not approve the Watershed Protection Ordinance due to its skewed affect on Alexander County and advised the County Manager negotiate with the City of Statesville to resolve Alexander Countys concerns. Commissioner Odom seconded the motion and the Board voted unanimously in favor of the motion. ALEXANDER COMMUNITY HOSPITAL REPORT Charles McGinnis gave a brief update of the Alexander Community Hospital situation. The following actions were presented to the Board:
Commissioner Harbinson made a motion to approve the Budget Amendment of $100,000.00 appropriated to the Alexander Community Hospital. Commissioner Robertson seconded the motion and the Board voted unanimously in favor of the motion. Commissioner Robertson recommended that minutes from the Hospital meetings include a list of all those in attendance representing the County, hospital staff and the hospital board. REPORT ON UNCOLLECTED TAXES Luther Stocks, Tax Administrator, presented a recent summary of uncollected and collected taxes on property and vehicles taxes. (Attachment #4) Efforts are being made to improve the tax collection process and seek legal actions against persons who have not paid their taxes. Mr. Stocks will consider hardship cases on individual basis. No action necessary, informational purposes only. APPOINTMENTS: PLANNING BOARD/BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS; LIBRARY; FAMILY VIOLENCE PREVENTION BOARD Upon a motion by Commissioner Bolick and seconded by Commissioner Odom, the Board voted unanimously to approve the new Planning and Zoning Commission consolidation as presented in the previous meeting. Initial Board members: Carl Bunton - 3 yr. Term; Terry Foster - 3 yr. Term; Connie Killian - 1 yr. Term Wendell Kirkham 2 yr. Term; Dale Martin 1 yr. Term; Tim Keever 1 yr. Term Lloyd Jarvis 2 yr. Term Commissioner Harbinson made the motion to approve Library Board of Trustees Phyllis Little and Janet Linney, with a third person to be appointed after notification. Commissioner Odom seconded the motion and the Board voted unanimously in favor of the motion. Commissioner Harbinson made motion that Commissioner Odom be the County Commissioner serving on the Family Violence Prevention Board. Commissioner Robertson seconded the motion and the Board voted unanimously in favor of the motion. Commissioner Odom agreed to serve. COUNTY MANAGERS REPORT Rick French, County Manager noted several items from the December 30th report.
OTHER BUSINESS: Commissioner Robertson and the County Manager met with others to discuss the Alexander County Courthouse HVAC system. The County needs to move forward with a $20,000.00 Budget Amendment to replace outdated and deteriorated HVAC equipment in the Alexander County Courthouse. Commissioner Harbinson made the motion to approve a Budget Amendment not to exceed $20,000.00 for the installation of a chiller in the courthouse. Commissioner Odom seconded the motion and the Board voted unanimously in favor of the motion. (Budget Amendment #32; Attachment #5) The NC Department of Transportation has provided a report of the Secondary Road Improvements accomplished in 1999. CONSENT AGENDA Commissioner Robertson made the motion to include the December 28 Work Session in the Consent Agenda as presented. Commissioner Harbinson seconded the motion and the Board voted unanimously in favor of the motion. Budget Amendment #17 was approved earlier in the meeting.
Commissioner Robertson made the motion to approve the Consent Agenda with Budget Amendments # 18 and # 19 (Attachments #6 & #7). Commissioner Harbinson seconded the motion. The Board voted unanimously in favor of the motion. CLOSED SESSION - PERSONNEL/ CONTRACT MATTERS ADJOURNMENT Commissioner Harbinson made the motion to adjourn the meeting to reconvene in a Closed Session. Commissioner Odom seconded the motion and the Board voted unanimously in favor of the motion. The next regular Monthly Commissioners meeting will be held February 1, 2000.
__________________________ __________________________ John F. Watts, Chairman Helen P. Anthony, Clerk to the Board |