November 16, 1998 PRESENT:
Chairman Robertson called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the County Commissioners Meeting Room of the Alexander County Courthouse. The Reverend Jeff Smith gave the invocation and Chairman Robertson led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Chairman Robertson reported that he would take agenda items out of order so that some of the very large crowd in attendance could leave and make room for others. WATER LINE EXTENSION Chairman Robertson announced that several water line extensions had been under consideration for several months and though some were approved at the most recent workshop, a budget amendment needed to be approved to fund the cost. He indicated also that the budget amendment should be $60,000 rather than the $50,000 indicated in the agenda. Upon motion by Commissioner Kerley and second by Commissioner Mayberry the Board voted unanimously to approve water extensions on Tadpole Lane, Pine Tree Road, and to the landfill, and to approve a $60,000 budget amendment to fund said projects (Attachment #1, Budget Amendment #24). Upon Motion by Commissioner Glass and second by Commissioner Mayberry the Board voted unanimously to add to the agenda consideration of a water line on Antioch Church Road. Mr. Dewey Austin, from the Antioch Church Road area, presented to the Board a petition and request for water to be constructed on Antioch Church Road. The petition contained 27 names, with 16 of them agreeing to tap immediately upon completion of the line. Commissioner Mayberry asked that the County Manager be instructed to contact the City of Hickory and Caldwell County officials to determine their interest in participating in the cost of the project. Both entities had, in the past, suggested they would share the cost in order to have an interconnect with Caldwell County. Chairman Robertson suggested this meeting be continued until 6:00 p.m., Monday, November 23, to evaluate the response from the City of Hickory and Caldwell County. Upon motion by Commissioner Mayberry and second by Commissioner Kerley the Board voted unanimously to continue this meeting until 6:00 p.m., November 23, in order to evaluate the response from the City of Hickory and Caldwell County regarding their participation in the construction of a water line on Antioch Church Road that will connect with the Caldwell water system. The meeting will be held in Room 101 of the County Administration Building. AUDIT REPORT Due to the absence of a representative from Martin and Starnes Associates, Commissioner Kerley made a motion that the audit report be postponed until the first meeting in December. This motion was seconded by Commissioner Glass and passed unanimously. MENTAL HEALTH BUILDING-TRANSFER Ms. Janice Orick, representing the Foothills Area Program, again asked the Board to consider transferring ownership of the Alexander County Mental Health Building to Foothills in exchange for Foothills renovating the building at a cost of about $60,000, and for assuming responsibility for all maintenance, utilities, etc. The Board was advised that Alexander County had, in the past year, been monitored regarding the grant used to construct the building, and had been declared in compliance and free from future monitoring because the grant period had expired. The Board indicated the best use for the building was as a mental health facility. Upon motion by Commissioner Mayberry and second by Commissioner Bolick the Board voted unanimously to declare as surplus and to transfer ownership of the Alexander County Mental Health Building to the Foothills Area Program, provided it will revert back to Alexander County when and if Foothills decides to no longer use the facility for mental health services. AUDIT Upon entry to the meeting of Brian Starnes the Board upon motion by Commissioner Mayberry and second by Commissioner Kerley voted unanimously to add back to the agenda a report on the 1998 Audit Report. Mr. Brian Starnes, Partner with Martin Starnes and Associates, presented to the Board a summary of the 1998 Audit Report. Mr. Starnes reported the audit was presented with an unqualified opinion, which means that it is a "clean audit". There were no violations of the budgeting regulations. There was one finding regarding a weakness in the cash control procedures in the solid waste department. This weakness has been corrected. He indicated that the fund balance in the General Fund was about 30% at June 30,1998. The average across the state for counties the same size is about 25%. The fund balance increased by about 16% in the last fiscal year. HUNTINGTON HOUSE CDBG PROJECT Ms. Nancy Coley, Western Piedmont Council of Governments, presented to the Board clarification of the Huntington House CDBG Project, summary of bids, and a budget amendment. She indicated a budget amendment is needed because the project had been changed to include an adjoining subdivision. The developers will pay the entire cost for the subdivision. One sewer pump station is eliminated by combining the projects. This saves the county money for construction and operations. Upon motion by Commissioner Mayberry and second by Commissioner Glass the Board voted unanimously to approve the amended budget for the Huntington House CDBG Project (Attachment #2, Budget Amendment #26) Ms. Coley reported the bids were opened at 2:00 p.m. on November 5, 1998, and publicly read as follows: Hickory Const. Co. $246,328.00 Ronny Turner Const. Co. 255,419.30 Ronnie Ledford 260,889.09 Neil Grading 272,879.00 Ernie Carpenter 274,173.60 Hickory Sand 276,143.00 Monroe Roadways 343,143.00 PF Plumbing 595,602.00 She stated that the bid specifications included an alternate project for a short gravity line on Rink Dam Road because it was anticipated there would be enough funds. However, the need for an unanticipated electrical service has almost eliminated having funds for the alternate. Part or all of this project will be added by change order should funds become available. Upon motion by Commissioner Mayberry and second by Commissioner Kerley the Board voted unanimously to approve the low bid as submitted by Hickory Construction Company to construct the Huntington House CDBG sewer project for a cost of $246,328.00, with consideration of the alternate project ( a short line on Rink Dam Road) being postponed pending a final cost for an electrical service that was not included in the original estimate. PROPERTY PURCHASE-DAYTON PROPERTY Chairman Robertson announced that the Board had been negotiating with Mr. Dick Dayton for several months regarding the purchase of the Dayton Property, which is located across from the courthouse. The property is needed for possible expansion of the courthouse, for a future new jail, for new court related offices, for parking, and for other offices. Upon motion by Commissioner Kerley and second by Commissioner Glass the Board voted unanimously to approve the purchase of the Dayton Property for a price of $375,000 and to approve a related budget amendment (Budget Amendment #23, Attachment #3). SOLID WASTE-BFI HAULING FEES Upon motion by Commissioner Glass and second by Commissioner Mayberry the Board voted unanimously to approve BFI, Inc.; increasing the solid waste hauling fee from $34.00 per ton to $34.51 per ton, effective January 1, 1999. DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES-BUDGET AMENDMENT Department of Social Services' Nan Campbell asked the Board to approve a budget amendment to fund the unanticipated cost of the Low Income Energy Assistance Program, and to fund a fee charged by the N. C. Department of Revenue for collection of fraud claims from individual tax refunds. Upon motion by Commissioner Mayberry and second by Commissioner Glass the Board voted unanimously to approve Budget Amendment #25 (Attachment #4). SEPTIC TANK REPAIR GRANT-ADMINISTRATION FEE The Board was advised that the Western Piedmont Council of Governments has requested each county in the Unifour contribute funds to help administer a Clean Water Management Trust Fund grant. The $450,000 grant was awarded to the region in order to fund a revolving loan program that will be used to repair failing septic systems. The grant did not include the $50,000 requested to administer the grant. The WPCOG has asked each county to contribute a per capita share based on a $38,000 budget. Alexander County would receive the same prorata share of the grant, or about $45,000. Alexander Countys share of the administration expense would be $3,724. Upon motion by Commissioner Mayberry and second by Commissioner Kerley the Board voted unanimously to commit $3,724 toward the cost of Western Piedmont Council of Governments administering the revolving loan fund to repair septic tanks, contingent upon the other counties participating, and contingent upon the project being viable. BOARD AND COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS Upon motion by Commissioner Mayberry and second by Commissioner Kerley the Board voted unanimously to table until the first meeting in December appointments to the Planning Board and Senior Center Advisory Committee. BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS-COMPENSATION Upon motion by Commissioner Kerley and second by Commissioner Mayberry the Board voted unanimously to increase the Board of Commissioners compensation from the current $300 per month to $400 per month effective with service rendered December, 1998. CRIMINAL JUSTICE PARTNERSHIP-BUDGET AMENDMENT Commissioner Tim Glass, who is also Chairman of the Criminal Justice Partnership, announced that Ms. Anita F. Price has been promoted to Day Reporting Center Director at a salary of $24,929.00, and that a budget amendment is needed because certain state appropriations have not been received as anticipated. He requested that $10,000 be transferred from salaries to contracted services, that $1000 be transferred to contracted services from construction, and that the $600 per month lease be transferred to contracted services. Upon motion by Commissioner Kerley and second by Commissioner Mayberry the Board voted unanimously to approve Budget Amendment #29 (Attachment #5) for the Criminal Justice Partnership. SCHOOLS-FUNDING Upon motion by Commissioner Mayberry and second by Commissioner Bolick the Board voted unanimously to remove item #4 from the consent agenda and consider separately. This item was for a $300,000 appropriation to the Board of Education for the purpose of funding additional supplements to certified teachers. Chairman Robertson advised the Board that he had met the past weekend with Superintendent Wiley Dobey and Chairman Roger Brown to discuss school needs. The discussion included the need for additional teacher supplements and for additional capital needs. Commissioner Bolick indicated that he believes the schools need funds to move the ninth grades into the high school, and that funds need to be set aside for a second high school that will be needed in the future. Commissioner Mayberry made a motion that budget amendment #21 be changed to delete the $300,000 appropriation for teacher supplements, and that instead $1,250,000 be transferred to the Board of Education for a capital reserve fund, and that another $100,000 be appropriated for central park and transferred immediately. This motion was seconded by Commissioner Bolick and carried unanimously (Attachment #6). CONSENT AGENDA Commissioner Glass made a motion that Budget Amendment #22 be increased from $25,000 to $28,500. This motion was seconded by Commissioner Mayberry and approved unanimously (Attachment #7). Commissioner Kerley made a motion that a Health Department budget amendment for $56,918 be added to the consent agenda. This motion was seconded by Commissioner Mayberry and carried unanimously. Commissioner Robertson asked that the regular minutes for November 9, and the closed minutes for November 9, September 21, and October 5, 1998, be added to the consent agenda. Upon motion by Commissioner Mayberry and second by Commissioner Kerley the Board voted unanimously to add to the agenda a budget amendment and approval for the hiring of a telephone consultant at an estimated cost of $20,000. Upon motion by Commissioner Kerley and second by Commissioner Mayberry the Board voted unanimously to approve the remaining consent items as follows: MINUTES The regular minutes for November 2, and November 9, and the closed minutes for September 21, October 5, and November 9, 1998, were approved as presented by the Clerk to the Board. TAX RELEASES AND REFUNDS Tax releases for $184.88 and tax refunds for $464.70 were approved as requested. BUDGET AMENDMENT #20 Budget Amendment #20 was approved to budget $97,000 in fund balance to purchase vehicles and repair the library ceiling (Attachment #8). BUDGET AMENDMENT #17 Budget Amendment #17 was approved to budget an additional $4000 for audit expenses (Attachment #9). HEALTH DEPARTMENT BUDGET AMENDMENT Budget Amendment #27 was approved to appropriate $54, 853 in fund balance to be used by the Health Department to purchase computer and telephone equipment (Attachment #10). TELEPHONE CONSULTANT BUDGET AMENDMENT The Public Buildings Department was amended to add $20,000 to contracted services in order to hire a consultant to evaluate and make recommendations for a new telephone system (Budget Amendment #28, Attachment #11). COMMISSIONER COMMENDATION Mr. Jerry Campbell called to the front Commissioner Craig Mayberry and Commissioner Tim Glass. He presented to them on behalf of the Alexander County Republican Party a flag as a departing gift for them having served for twelve years each as commissioner. This has been one of the longest terms of service in recent memory. He and others thanked both for their outstanding service. The audience gave them a standing ovation. Commissioner Kerley was also thanked for his one term. Each commissioner thanked the public for being allowed to serve. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business Chairman Robertson adjourned the meeting until 6:00 p.m., Monday, November 23, 1998, for a meeting to be held in the County Administration Building.
__________________ ___________________________ Charles S. Mashburn W.
Darrrell Robertson, Chairman |