November 9, 1998

PRESENT: W. Darrell Robertson, Chairman

                        W. Guy Kerley

                        Timothy A. Glass

                        Wesley E. Bolick, Vice Chairman

                        K. Craig Mayberry

STAFF:    Charles S. Mashburn, Clerk to the Board

OTHERS:     Mr. Lonnie Carrigan, WABC Radio

Chairman Robertson called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in Meeting Room 101 of the County Administration Building as adjourned from the November 2 meeting. He annonced the purpose of the meeting was to take action on items pending from previous meetings, and to take action on items that had been in various states of review for the last several months.


The Board discussed at length the options for water billing and collection. It was discussed that the City of Hickory has offered to provide meter reading, billing, collection, and routine maintenance for a cost of $3.18 per customer per month. The projected anual cost would be about $45,000. This compares to an offer by the Alexander Water Corporation to perform meter reading, billing and collection for $2.20 per month per customer, and perform routine maintenance at actual cost, which they had been doing for several years. The estimated cost for the Water Corporation to perform the same service as the City of Hickory was estimated to be $65,000.

Upon motion by Commissioner Mayberry and second by Commissioner Kerley the Board voted unanimously to accept the City of Hickory proposal to perform meter reading, billing, collection, and routine maintenance for a contract price of $3.18 per month per customer, provided the contract is evaluated at the end of the first year and renewed or not based on the quality of service, with a one month notice.


The Board was advised that several water line petitions were under various stages of review. Approximately $14,000 in the South 16 Water District has already been committed to construct water on Tadpole Lane as part of the agreement to extend water to Wendsor Pointe. Also, a water line is needed at the landfill because the existing well is very close to where garbage is disposed and contamination is possible. The state has already required the county to begin expensive monitoring of the well.

Upon motion by Commissioner Mayberry and second by Commissioner Kerley the Board voted unanimously to authorize construction of water lines on Tadpole Lane, Pine Tree Road, and to the landfill.


The Board was again advised that bids had been received to remove the radio transmission tower from the Old Jail Property. All but one antennae have been transferred to the tower on Lenny’s Mountain. This antennae can be relocated also, and thus the tower is no longer necessary. The old tower is about 25-30 years old and is probably not useable elsewhere for county purposes. The Board has been evaluating the feasablity of leasing space on the WABC Radio tower.

Upon motion by Commissioner Robertson and second by Commissioner Glass the Board voted unanimously for staff to proceed with removal of the Old Jail radio transmission tower, if possible to give the tower to the construction company is exchange for its removal, or to the lowest bidder that has appropriate insurance.


The Board discussed how to adjust school funding in mid-year. The Board had agreed informally during budget deliberations to revisit the school budget in mid-year and adjust based on the final funding provided by the General Assembly. After much discussion the Board reached a consensus to increase the local supplement to certified teachers. It was calculated from the 1998-99 budget that each 1% in teacher supplement is about $150,000. The county manager was directed to secure from the Board of Education the money needed to fund a 2% increase in the supplement for certified teachers.


The Board was informed that several vehicles were nearing their usefull lives and would probably need to be replaced prior to the end of the fiscal year. The Board directed that a budget amendment for replacement vehicles be included in the November 16 meeting.


Chairman Robertson reported he will ask Carl Bunton and Dan Howell to serve on the Planning Board.


Upon motion by Commissioner Mayberry and second by Commissioner Kerley the Board voted unanimously to go into closed session to discuss a land purchase matter and a personnel matter.


Upon emerging from closed session the meeting adjourned.


__________________     ___________________________

Charles S. Mashburn          W. Darrrell Robertson, Chairman
Clerk to the Board