Draft November 2, 1998 PRESENT:
Chairman Darrell Robertson called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the County Commissioners Meeting Room of the Alexander County Courthouse. Commissioner Bolick gave the invocation and Chairman Robertson led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. AGENDA ADDITION Chairman Robertson announced that a Board of Education budget amendment was being added to the agenda. Upon motion by Commissioner Mayberry and second by Commissioner Kerley the Board voted unanimously to add the Board of Education to the agenda. BOARD OF EDUCATION-CENTRAL PARK BUDGET AMENDMENT Superintendent of Schools Wiley Dobey, and Mr. Roger Brown, Chairman of the Board of Education, asked the Board of Commissioners to approve a budget amendment to use $100,000 in sales tax receipts toward construction of the new Central Park athletic fields. Mr. Dobey reported the Board of Education had voted to commit $100,000 toward the project should the park committee raise a matching $100,000. The Board of Commissioners at their last meeting voted to also commit $100,000. Upon motion by Commissioner Mayberry and second by Commissioner Kerley the Board voted unanimously to approve a budget amendment for the Board of Education to appropriate $100,000 in local option sales tax receipts toward construction of proposed athletic fields and Alexander Central High School (Budget Amendment 18, Attachment #1). LIBRARY-CITY OF HICKORY AGREEMENT The Board of Commissioners was advised that the City of Hickory Council had voided an agreement with the County of Alexander whereby the Board of Commissioners appropriated $8,000 in exchange for Alexander County residents being excused from paying the $40.00 non-resident fee for using the City of Hickory library. The agreement was voided because the City of Hickory staff calculated that the $8,000 fee was insufficient due to the number of Alexander County users, and because operating costs have increased with the opening of the new library. The City of Hickory staff has not calculated a new lump sum fee. Commissioner Bolick reported he visited the City of Hickory Manager to discuss the problem. Mr. McGee reported that the City of Hickory had voted to charge non-residents a fee because the system was not working. The city manager told Mr. Bolick that he will evaluate the policy and report back. RECREATION DEPARTMENT-PLANNING STUDY The Board was presented, for consideration, a contract by the Western Piedmont Council of Governments to perform a Recreation Department planning study. The study would be performed by COG staff with assistance from the State of North Carolina Division of Recreation Planning staff. The study is to include an inventory of existing facilities and programs, make recommendations for new facilities and programs, and provide information to apply for upcoming recreation grants. The cost of the study is not to exceed $8,000, not including printing and miscellaneous costs. Upon motion by Commissioner Mayberry and second by Commissioner Glass the Board voted unanimously to approve the contract as submitted for the Western Piedmont Council of Governments to prepare a recreation study for a cost not to exceed $8,000, and to approve Budget Amendment #19, Attachment #2. WATER BILLING AND COLLECTION Upon motion by Commissioner Glass and second by Commissioner Kerley this item was tabled to special meeting to be scheduled for November 9, 1998. BOARD AND COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS Upon motion by Commissioner Glass and second by Commissioner Bolick the Board voted unanimously to make board and committee appointments as follows: JOINT NURSING/ADULT CARE ADVISORY COMMITTEE Ms. Helen Anthony and Ms. Marie Sipe were reappointed to serve on the Joint Nursing/Adult Care Advisory Committee. REGION E AGING ADVISORY COMMITTEE Mr. Darrell Moffitt was reappointed to the Region E Aging Advisory Committee. SENIOR CENTER ADVISORY COMMITTEE Mr. Tim Lackey and Mr. Ross Carrigan were reappointed to the Senior Center Advisory Committee. RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE Mr. Tommy Poole was reappointed to the Recreation Advisory Committee. TAYLOR KING PROJECT-ENGINEERING SERVICES Upon motion by Commissioner Mayberry and second by Commissioner Bolick the Board voted unanimously to approve a contract for West and Associates to provide engineering services for the Taylor King water and sewer construction projects for a fee not to exceed $32,000. GIS-TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE CONTRACT Mr. Dee Blackwell presented to the Board for consideration a contract to provide technical assistance regarding the GIS project. He proposed that the Western Piedmont Council of Governments provide assistance in preparing bid specifications, bid review, implementation monitoring, etc, for a fee of $34,500. Upon motion by Commissioner Mayberry and second by Commissioner Glass the Board voted unanimously to approve the GIS Technical Assistance Contract with the Western Piedmont Council of Governments as proposed. TAYLOR KING-WATER CONSTRUCTION BIDS The Board was advised that bids to construct a water line to the Taylor King facility located on County Home Road were opened at 2:00 p.m., October 26,1998, and publicly read as follows: Neil Grading Company $51,849.00 Ernie Carpenter, Inc. 39,930.00 Ronnie Turner Const. Co. 29,760.00 Upon motion by Commissioner Mayberry and second by Commissioner Kerley the Board voted unanimously to approve the bid by Ronnie Turner Construction Company to construct a water line to Taylor King for a price of $29,760.00 BIBLE CAMP ROAD-WATER PROJECT Informal proposal were received to construct water lines on Bible Camp Road and Jennings Lane as follows: F & S Contractors $58,542.75 Unknown 57,300.00 Ronnie Turner Construction Co. 56,728.00 Upon motion by Commissioner Mayberry and second by Commissioner Kerley the Board voted unanimously to approve the proposal by Ronnie Turner Construction Co. to construct the Bible Camp Road water project for a price of $56,728.00. PLANNING DIRECTOR/EDC DIRECTOR Chairman Robertson introduced Ms. Sylvia Turnmire as the newly appointed Planning Director/EDC Director. NATURAL GAS HEARING Upon motion by Commissioner Mayberry and second by Commissioner Bolick the Board voted unanimously to appoint Chairman Robertson to represent the county at the natural gas hearing in Raleigh on November 18, 1998. CONSENT AGENDA Upon motion by Commissioner Mayberry and second by Commissioner Glass the Board voted unanimously to approve the consent agenda as follows: MINUTES The minutes of October 19,1998, were approved as presented by the Clerk to the Board. PUBLIC BUILDINGS-BUDGET AMENDMENT #16 Budget Amendment #16 was approved to appropriate $10,000 from sale of fixed assets for purchase of a new dump truck (Attachment #4). ADJOURNMENT Upon motion by Commissioner Mayberry and second by Commissioner Glass the Board voted unanimously to adjourn until 7:00 p.m., Monday, November 9, 1998, to meet in the County Administration Building for a continuation meeting.
__________________ ___________________________ Charles S. Mashburn W.
Darrrell Robertson, Chairman |