April 20, 1998

PRESENT:    W. Darrell Robertson, Chairman

                      Wesley E. Bolick, Jr., Vice Chairman

                      W. Guy Kerley

                      Timothy A. Glass

ABSENT:      K. Craig Mayberry

STAFF:          Charles S. Mashburn, Clerk to the Board

                     Jerry Campbell, County Attorney

Chairman Robertson called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Commissioner’s Meeting Room of the Alexander County Courthouse. The Reverend Pat Riddle gave the invocation and Chairman Robertson led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.


Chairman Robertson called to order a public meeting as advertised and notice duly provided to consider the 1998-99 Secondary Road Improvement Program. Mr. Joe Lamb, Division Engineer, reported that the North Carolina Department of Transportation has budgeted a total of $1,570,636 in improvements for the 1998-99 fiscal year. Mr. Lamb explained the paving projects are picked off the priority list in order that was established several years ago. He also explained how money is allocated to the various counties and how roads are prioritized. There are still eighty-two (82) miles of unpaved roads in Alexander County. No one in the audience commented on the improvement plan.

Upon motion by Commissioner Kerley and second by Commissioner Glass the Board voted unanimously to approve the 1998-99 Secondary Road Improvement Program as follows:


Moore Mountain Road     $ 300,000

Mt. Hebron Church Road   450,000

Old Vashti Road                348,260



Patterson Bridge Road

Beam Lane


Bumgarner Road       $ 60,000

Vic Court                    75,000



Pine Valley Extension

Miller Garage

Forest Road Extension

Spot Stabilization      $ 180,311

Construction             1,233,260

Reserve                     157,065

Total                       $ 1,570,636


Chairman Robertson called to order a public hearing as advertised and notice duly provided to consider a proposed lease of the Old Jail to the Alexander County Ancestry Association. Mr. Jerry Campbell explained the legal procedures and presented for consideration a draft of the lease. He explained the Board must declare the property as a historically significant property, is not needed by the county, and be leased to a non-profit organization whose purposes include the preservation and conservation of eligible property.

Ms. Evelina Miller asked the Board to modify the lease to include a renewal clause, to change the review period from two years to five years, and for the County to insure the property. She indicated the Association has about $10,000 toward repairing the roof, and asked the Board to appropriate funds to help with the much needed roof repairs. Mr. Talmadge Loudermilk indicated the Old Jail can be a big asset to the town and county.

Upon motion by Commissioner Kerley and second by Commissioner Glass the Board voted unanimously to adjourn the public hearing.

Upon motion by Commissioner Kerley and second by Commissioner Glass the Board voted unanimously to declare the Old Jail surplus and of no foreseeable use to the County except as a museum.

Commissioner Kerley asked for clarification regarding whether the lease includes the entire property or just the building.

Chairman Robertson asked Commissioner Glass to act as liaison with the Association to determine the lease boundaries.

Upon motion by Commissioner Glass and second by Commissioner Kerley the Board voted unanimously to draw the lease for twenty-five years and include a like clause to renew for an additional twenty-five years.

Upon motion by Commissioner Robertson and second by Commissioner Bolick the Board voted unanimously to extend the evaluation period to five years provided progress is being made toward protecting the building and getting the roof repaired.

The Board directed staff to determine the value of the property and cost of property insurance.

Upon motion by Commissioner Kerley and second by Commissioner Glass the Board voted 3-1 (Bolick) to approve lease of the Old Jail to the Alexander County Ancestry Association and to modify the lease as presented to include a renewal clause, a five year review clause, with insurance to be decided after staff determines the cost.


Mr. Hal Hefner asked the Board to support an effort to get the North Carolina General Assembly to approve a short season in Alexander County for hunting deer with dogs. Mr. Hefner reported there is a very large deer population and hunting with dogs is allowed for coon, fox, and other species. The season would be the last week of the regular season, with shotguns only, and for Alexander County residents only.

The Board was advised that Mr. Hamilton at the Wildlife Resources Commission had indicated that there are no counties west of Orange County that permit hunting deer with dogs, and that the Wildlife Commission generally does not support such hunting.

Chairman Robertson suggested this matter be tabled until the May 2 meeting pending further consideration and public comment.


The Board was advised that bids to construct water and sewer to the Mitchell Gold facility on Millersville Road were opened and publicly read on April 14, 1998, as follows:


Buckeye Construction Co    $281,018.45                      $313,488.00

Neill Grading                        335,190.25                        370,373.25

Burke Development              285,669.00                        318,199.00

Ronny Turner Construction    275,175.10                        311,558.10

Foothill Water & Sewer        362,801.00                         413,396.00

Ernie Carpenter                    296,936.92                         328,240.92

Walker & Associates            310,261.00                         358,681.00

The Board was advised that the base bid is for an eight inch water line and the alternate bid is for a twelve inch water line. Upon request of Mitchell Gold, the twelve inch line is recommended. First, a twelve inch water line will provide better fire protection. Secondly, the surrounding area is likely for additional industrial development. Engineering consultant Chester West had recommended the low bid of Ronny Turner Construction Company be accepted. The Board was also advised the cost may have to be adjusted because the exact location for the sewer pump station has not been decided. Also, additional grant money has been tentatively approved by the Appalachian Regional Commission to help fund construction of a water tank. The cost and bids for this phase will be presented to the Board when the location and cost has been determined.

Upon motion by Commissioner Bolick and second by Commissioner Kerley the Board voted unanimously to accept the low bid as submitted by Ronny Turner Construction Company to construct water and sewer to Mitchell Gold for a price of $311,558.10.


Library Director Doris Stephens asked the Board to approve a budget amendment and the purchase of public access computers. The computers will be purchased only if a $4,260 grant is approved. Ms. Stephens indicated the money can not be expended until after May 8, 1998. The budget amendment was requested prior to formal approval of the grant because the money must be spent prior to June 1, 1998. The grant has received tentative approval pending an appeal process. The computers will be used mostly by the public for Internet access.

Upon motion by Commissioner Bolick and second by Commissioner Glass the Board voted unanimously to approve the purchase of computers for the Library pending final approval of $4,260 grant, and to approve budget amendment #55 (Attachment #1).


The Board was asked to approve the most recent Sheriff’s Office Records Retention and Disposition Schedule as recommended by the North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources, Division of Archives and History. This document prescribes the minimum time to retain specific records, and prescribes when records may be disposed. After the schedule is adopted by the Board of Commissioners, the Sheriff is authorized without further approval to dispose of records if the schedule is followed. The Sheriff may retain records longer but not for shorter times.

Upon motion by Commissioner Kerley and second by Commissioner Bolick the Board voted unanimously to approve the Sheriff’s Office Records Retention and Disposition schedule as submitted by the North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources.


The Board was asked to approve three changes to the transfer station contract. First, the turns in the access road are too narrow in several places for trucks to negotiate without getting off the pavement. The contractor proposed to widen these turns for a cost of $4,670. Secondly, the former director had requested an overly of additional paving on the entrance to the trailer loading bay. This would level the ramp and allow trailers to be pulled into the bay more easily. Though the engineer recommended the overly is not needed, the cost of the overlay is estimated at $510.00. Finally, additional sheet metal was added at a cost of $2,694. This metal was added to the sides of the building to help control wind and drafts.

Upon motion by Commissioner Robertson and second by Commissioner Kerley the Board voted unanimously to approve the change orders as requested.


The Board again considered whether to request Alexander County be included in GS-153A-158(1) that would allow the County to request reimbursement for sales taxes to be paid during construction of the new Wittenburg Elementary School. The Board was advised that if the legislation is approved, the sales tax reimbursement would have to be requested by the County and the money refunded to the County, not to the Board of Education.

Upon motion by Commissioner Robertson and second by Commissioner Glass the Board voted unanimously to request the North Carolina General Assembly include Alexander County in provisions of GS-153A-158(1), or other appropriate legislation, that will allow the County to receive reimbursement of sales taxes paid during construction of Wittenburg Elementary School and other future projects.


The Board again discussed participation in constructing a new ten inch water line to Taylor King Furniture on County Home Road. The new line was requested by Taylor King because they are expanding the facility and need sprinkler protection. The company agreed to pay $20,000 if the county will pay the other $20,000. A decision was postponed from last meeting pending clarification if the new line alone will provide the necessary flow and pressure. The Board was advised that Mr. Ron Downs with Taylor King has consulted the contractor and the sprinkler company and has indicated the ten inch water line should be installed.

Upon motion by Commissioner Bolick and second by Commissioner Glass the Board voted unanimously to commit one half the cost up to $20,000 in the 1998-99 budget for construction of the Taylor King water line as requested, with any grant money being divided equally between the industry and the county.


The Board was advised that the increase in tap fees as approved at the last meeting was incorrect. Both the Water Corporation and City of Hickory charge $675.00 for a standard water tap. The Board was asked to reconsider the fee of $575.00 as approved at the last meeting.

Upon motion by Commissioner Bolick and second by Commissioner Kerley the Board voted unanimously to establish the standard water tap fee as $675.00, effective immediately.


No appointments were made.


Upon motion by Commissioner Kerley and second by Commissioner Bolick the Board voted unanimously to approve the Consent Agenda as follows:


The minutes of April 6, 1998, were approved as presented by the Clerk to the Board.


Tax releases of $1,923.63 and tax refunds of $255.50 were approved as requested.


Budget Amendment #50 was approved to appropriate an additional $25,000 in State Aid, and an additional Day Care allocation of $109,487 to the Department of Social Services (Attachment #2).


Budget Amendment #51 was approved to budget an additional $1,300 CBA grant (Attachment # 3).


Upon motion by Commissioner Robertson and second by Commissioner Bolick the Board voted unanimously to adjourn until 6:00 p.m. April 21, and to 6:00 p.m. April 30, 1998, to conduct work sessions in the County Administration Building.


____________________________  ____________________________

Charles S. Mashburn                         W. Darrell Robertson, Chairman
Clerk to the Board