February 2, 1998 PRESENT:
Chairman Darrell Robertson called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the County Commissioners Meeting room of the Alexander County Courthouse. The Reverend Keith Childers gave the invocation and Chairman Robertson led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. BOARD OF EDUCATION-WITTENBURG SCHOOL Interim School Superintendent Warren Hollar, Mr. Dale Robertson, and members of the Board of Education presented a status report on the new Wittenburg Elementary School. Dr. Hollar explained that construction of the new school on Church Road will begin in early spring. The Board of Commissioners was informed regarding the size, design, cost, and funding. Dr. Hollar reported this new school will be funded by State School Bond monies in the amount of about $8,400,000, and the remainder from local sales tax receipts, if needed. It is estimated this project will cost about $7.9m. The cost does not include equipment. SOLID WASTE-TAYLORSVILLE CARDBOARD Town Manager George Holleman requested the County place cardboard recycling bins in town and service them. He indicated this would increase cardboard recycling and reduce the cost to the town and to the county. Merchants and residents could use the containers. He estimated that six to eight containers could be tested for a year to see how the system would work. Mr. Holleman indicated the Town did not want to contract with GDS, who would charge a fee, plus get the revenue from the product. Town staff would monitor and keep the sites clean. The Board discussed issues such as this service is not being provided to other areas in the county, and Town of Taylorsville residents live within a few miles of at least two drop off centers. Commissioner Glass indicated that businesses generating a bin of cardboard should provide their own service. The Board took no action pending further evaluation by the Solid Waste Task Force. Upon motion by Commissioner Bolick and second by Commissioner Mayberry the Board voted unanimously to authorize staff to place extra cardboard recycling boxes as needed at drop-off centers in order to assist Town of Taylorsville to recycle cardboard. COMMUNITY BASED ALTERNATIVE PROGRAM-REPORT Ms. Suzanne Rhinehart, Community Based Alternatives Chairperson, presented a report on programs operated by CBA. She explained that this program is governed by The Alexander County Youth Services Task Force to provide programs for at risk youth. Most of the funding is provided by The North Carolina Department of Human Resources. Programs offered include the youthful sex offender program, high risk intervention, family preservation, 4-H summer camp, etc. The total budget is about $100,000 counting local in-kind match. TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT-REPORT Mr. Terry Foxx, transportation department coordinator, reported on results from reorganizing the department and the hiring of a full time coordinator. He indicated that better coordination of transportation is taking place because multiple clients are being transported to the same location with one trip as opposed to several trips as in prior years. He indicated that more client miles are being recorded than in prior years. Commissioner Mayberry reminded staff that this position job description included the task of maintaining maintenance records on all county vehicles, not just transportation vehicles. SENIOR CENTER EXPANSION Ms. Angela Johnson, Senior Center Director, reported that the Senior Center Advisory Committee is evaluating expanding the Senior Center. The tentative plan would construct the expansion to the north, toward the ATM machine. The expansion is estimated to cost about $600,000. A committee hopes to raise most of the funds. Board members questioned the priority of the project and whether there is duplication with a proposed YMCA, the recreation department, and other facilities that are raising funds. No action was requested and none was taken. MOBILE HOMES-SUBSTANDARD PROHIBITION This item was postponed due to the illness of Mr. Teague. BOARD AND COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS Upon motion by Commissioner Robertson and second by Commissioner Glass the Board voted unanimously to make committee and board appointments as follows: BOARD OF EQUALIZATION AND REVIEW Mr. Dale Martin, Mr. Harry Robertson, Mr. Larry Hazlip, Mr. Travis Wike, and Commissioner Tim Glass were reappointed to serve on the Board of Equalization and Review. JURY COMMISSION Mr. Ewell Dagenhart was reappointed to serve on the Jury Commission. CHILD FATALITY REVIEW TEAM Town of Taylorsville police officer Lisa Duckworth was appointed to the Child Fatality Review Team. CONSENT AGENDA Upon motion by Commissioner Mayberry and second by Commissioner Kerley the Board voted unanimously to approve the consent agenda as follows: MINUTES The minutes of January 12, 19, and 26, 1998, were approved as submitted by the Clerk to the Board. SOCIAL SERVICE BUDGET AMENDMENT #41 Budget amendment #41 was approved to appropriate $40,547.00 in additional respite care, adult day care, and State Aid for the Department of Social Services (Attachment #1). ENGINEER INTERVIEW Mr. Troy Doby and Mr. Stephen Scruggs, representatives from the engineering firm of Pierson & Whitman, presented qualifications to perform the proposed comprehensive water and sewer study. The Board took no action pending further evaluation. CANDIDATE PRESS PACKAGE Upon motion by Commissioner Bolick and second by Commissioner Kerley the Board voted unanimously for staff to make available to the commissioner candidates a copy of the agenda press package if requested on Thursday prior to the meeting. CLOSED SESSION Upon motion by Commissioner Robertson and second by Commissioner Glass the Board went into closed session to discuss a personnel matter, to return to open session for purpose of adjournment only. ADJOURNMENT Upon motion by Commissioner Kerley and second by Commissioner Bolick the Board voted unanimously to adjourn at 9:30 p.m.
___________________________ ___________________________ Charles S.
W. Darrell Robertson |